The True and False Theory of Evolution. Chauncey 1813-1893 Giles

The True and False Theory of Evolution - Chauncey 1813-1893 Giles

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human being.

      Everything is regarded from the circumference, and judged by its appearance to the senses. The centre is formed from the circumference, which is contrary to all the laws of order in the creation. The principle is as absurd as it would be to deduce the sun from the planets, heat, from cold, and light from darkness. There are many plausible and attractive features in this theory of creation. But to accept it we must ignore facts and principles which have been recognized by a common perception in all ages and among all nations; we must reverse the order of logical thinking, and banish from the universe all intelligible purpose, all love and wisdom in its creation. This would make it truly blank and desolate.

      The doctrines of the New Church give us a theory of evolution which is free from any of these defects. It begins at the highest and describes every step of descent to the lowest. It takes its position in the centre; in the first untreated and infinite Cause which is adequate to every possible effect, and traces the evolution of every plane and link in the creation, shows the relation of the whole to every part, and of the least part to the whole. While it shows the ineradicable and infinite difference between the Creator and His works, it points out with equal clearness His intimate and constant connection with them. It contains the new doctrine of discrete degrees or planes of substance and forces by which the creation descends by distinct steps from its origin in God to its lowest forms; but shows that there are no breaks, no missing links, no impassable gulfs which separate one degree of the creation from another. Everything is created with a definite purpose and has a distinct meaning. It avoids the absurdity of an instantaneous creation by a dictate of omnipotent power, and demonstrates in the most logical manner, that the universe of matter and mind, and everything and being organized for the reception of life, is evolved from the Creator by vast and complicated processes, extending through many ages; and that this evolution has been effected, according to the laws of an immutable order, by a wisdom which sees the end from the beginning and in the beginning, and the relation of every force and substance and act and infinitesimal part to the whole.

      The following lectures were written for the purpose of stating some of the fundamental points in this theory, and giving some illustrations of its truth by facts and forces which lie within the limits of common observation. They were written from week to week amid the pressure of many duties, and sent to the printer immediately after delivery. No one can be more sensible of their imperfections than the author. The themes are too great and involve too-many profound problems, to be fully set forth in a few discourses. The most that the author has been able to do is to give some hints of a theory which he believes meets every demand of science, of reason, and every devout believer in the existence of a Divine, personal Being, who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. It does not reject any natural fact, or deny the relations of cause and effect on the natural plane of creation. On the contrary, it accepts them all, throws new light upon them, and uses their testimony to confirm its own principles. It does more than this. It supplies the missing links which science has not been able to discover, between the distinct planes of creation; and, what is of infinitely greater value to science and theology, it discloses the intimate and inseparable connection between the Creator and the universe. If these discourses should be instrumental in leading any number of those who have become interested in the profound problems of the creation, which Evolution has brought into conspicuous notice, to learn more of the principles briefly and imperfectly stated in them, the author will have accomplished all he could reasonably expect. He only desires to complete the service by referring them to a small work by Swedenborg, called Divine Love And Wisdom, in which he will find the origin of the universe, and the processes and order by which it is evolved from the Creator, set forth in a clear, logical, and masterly manner.

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