The Wouldbegoods. Эдит Несбит
in a red coat came down the road, and he stopped and looked at us. He walked with a stick, and he had a bundle in a blue cotton handkerchief and one arm in a sling.
And he looked again, and he came nearer, and he leaned on the wall, so that he could read the black printing on the white paint.
And he grinned all over his face, and he said:
"Well, I am blessed!"
And he read it all out in a sort of half whisper, and when he came to the end, where it says, "and all such brave soldiers," he said:
"Well, I really am!" I suppose he meant he really was blessed.
Oswald thought it was like the soldier's cheek, so he said:
"I dare say you aren't so very blessed as you think. What's it to do with you, anyway, eh, Tommy?"
Of course Oswald knew from Kipling that an infantry soldier is called that. The soldier said:
"Tommy yourself, young man. That's me!" and he pointed to the tombstone.
We stood rooted to the spot. Alice spoke first.
"Then you're Bill, and you're not dead," she said. "Oh, Bill, I am so glad! Do let me tell your mother."
She started running, and so did we all. Bill had to go slowly because of his leg, but I tell you he went as fast as ever he could.
We all hammered at the soldier's mother's door, and shouted:
"Come out! come out!" and when she opened the door we were going to speak, but she pushed us away, and went tearing down the garden path like winking. I never saw a grown-up woman run like it, because she saw Bill coming.
She met him at the gate, running right into him, and caught hold of him, and she cried much more than when she thought he was dead.
And we all shook his hand and said how glad we were.
The soldier's mother kept hold of him with both hands, and I couldn't help looking at her face. It was like wax that had been painted pink on both cheeks, and the eyes shining like candles. And when we had all said how glad we were, she said:
"Thank the dear Lord for His mercies," and she took her boy Bill into the cottage and shut the door.
We went home and chopped up the tombstone with the wood-axe and had a blazing big bonfire, and cheered till we could hardly speak.
The post-card was a mistake; he was only missing. There was a pipe and a whole pound of tobacco left over from our keepsake to the other soldiers. We gave it to Bill. Father is going to have him for under-gardener when his wounds get well. He'll always be a bit lame, so he cannot fight any more.
I am very glad some soldiers' mothers get their boys home again.
But if they have to die, it is a glorious death; and I hope mine will be that.
And three cheers for the Queen, and the mothers who let their boys go, and the mothers' sons who fight and die for old England. Hip, hip, hurrah!
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