The Complete Novels of Georg Ebers. Georg Ebers

The Complete Novels of Georg Ebers - Georg Ebers

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very often on the monuments as Ntariusch.

       It is most frequently found in the inscriptions on the temple in the

       Oasis el-Khargah, recently photographed by G. Rohlfs. The Egypto-

       Persian memorial fragments, bearing inscriptions in the hieroglyphic

       and cuneiform characters are very interesting. Darius’ name in

       Egyptian was generally “Ra, the beloved of Ammon.” On a porcelain

       vessel in Florence, and in some papyri in Paris and Florence he is

       called by the divine titles of honor given to the Pharaohs.]

      Their generous ruler and protector did not live to see the end of this struggle.

      [The first rebellion in Egypt, which broke out under Aryandes, the

       satrap appointed by Cambyses, was put down by Darius in person. He

       visited Egypt, and promised 100 talents (L22,500.) to any one who

       would find a new Apis. Polyaen. VII. ii. 7. No second outbreak

       took place until 486 B.C. about 4 years before the death of Darius.

       Herod. VI i. Xerxes conquered the rebels two years after his

       accession, and appointed his brother Achaemenes satrap of Egypt.]

      It was reserved for Xerxes, the successor and son of Darius and Atossa, to bring back the inhabitants of the Nile valley to a forced and therefore insecure obedience.

      Darius left a worthy monument of his greatness in the glorious palace which he built on Mount Rachmed, the ruins of which are the wonder and admiration of travellers to this day. Six thousand Egyptian workmen, who had been sent to Asia by Cambyses, took part in the work and also assisted in building a tomb for Darius and his successors, the rocky and almost inaccessible chambers of which have defied the ravages of time, and are now the resort of innumerable wild pigeons.

      He caused the history of his deeds to be cut, (in the cuneiform character and in the Persian, Median and Assyrian languages), on the polished side of the rock of Bisitun or Behistan, not far from the spot where he saved Atossa’s life. The Persian part of this inscription can still be deciphered with certainty, and contains an account of the events related in the last few chapters, very nearly agreeing with our own and that of Herodotus. The following sentences occur amongst others: “Thus saith Darius the King: That which I have done, was done by the grace of Auramazda in every way. I fought nineteen battles after the rebellion of the kings. By the mercy of Auramazda I conquered them. I took nine kings captive. One was a Median, Gaumata by name. He lied and said: ‘I am Bardiya (Bartja), the son of Cyrus.’ He caused Persia to rebel.”

      Some distance lower down, he names the chiefs who helped him to dethrone the Magi, and in another place the inscription has these words: “Thus saith the King Darius: That which I have done was done in every way by the grace of Auramazda. Auramazda helped me, and such other gods as there be. Auramazda and the other gods gave me help, because I was not swift to anger, nor a liar, nor a violent ruler, neither I nor my kinsmen. I have shown favor unto him who helped my brethren, and I have punished severely him who was my enemy. Thou who shalt be king after me, be not merciful unto him who is a liar or a rebel, but punish him with a severe punishment. Thus saith Darius the King: Thou who shalt hereafter behold this tablet which I have written, or these pictures, destroy them not, but so long as thou shalt live preserve them, &c.”

      It now only remains to be told that Zopyrus, the son of Megabyzus, continued to the last the king’s most faithful friend.

      A courtier once showed the king a pomegranate, and asked him of what one gift of fortune he would like so many repetitions, as there were seeds in that fruit. Without a moment’s hesitation Darius answered, “Of my Zopyrus.”—[Plutarch]

      The following story will prove that Zopyrus, on his part, well understood how to return his royal friend’s kindness. After the death of Cambyses, Babylon revolted from the Persian empire. Darius besieged the city nine months in vain, and was about to raise the siege, when one day Zopyrus appeared before him bleeding, and deprived of his ears and nose, and explained that he had mutilated himself thus in order to cheat the Babylonians, who knew him well, as he had formerly been on intimate terms with their daughters. He said he wished to tell the haughty citizens, that Darius had thus disfigured him, and that he had come to them for help in revenging himself. He thought they would then place troops at his disposal, with which he intended to impose upon them by making a few successful sallies at first. His ultimate intention was to get possession of the keys, and open the Semiramis gate to his friends.

      These words, which were spoken in a joking tone, contrasted so sadly with the mutilated features of his once handsome friend, that Darius wept, and when at last the almost impregnable fortress was really won by Zopyrus’ stratagem, he exclaimed: “I would give a hundred Babylons, if my Zopyrus had not thus mutilated himself.”

      He then appointed his friend lord of the giant city, gave him its entire revenues, and honored him every year with the rarest presents. In later days he used to say that, with the exception of Cyrus, who had no equal, no man had ever performed so generous a deed as Zopyrus.

      [Herod. III. 160. Among other presents Zopyrus received a gold

       hand-mill weighing six talents, the most honorable and distinguished

       gift a Persian monarch could bestow upon a subject. According to

       Ktesias, Megabaezus received this gift from Xerxes.]

      Few rulers possessed so many self-sacrificing friends as Darius, because few understood so well how to be grateful.

      When Syloson, the brother of the murdered Polykrates, came to Susa and reminded the king of his former services, Darius received him as a friend, placed ships and troops at his service, and helped him to recover Samos.

      The Samians made a desperate resistance, and said, when at last they were obliged to yield: “Through Syloson we have much room in our land.”

      Rhodopis lived to hear of the murder of Hipparchus, the tyrant of Athens, by Harmodius and Aristogiton, and died at last in the arms of her best friends, Theopompus the Milesian and Kallias the Athenian, firm in her belief of the high calling of her countrymen.

      All Naukratis mourned for her, and Kallias sent a messenger to Susa, to inform the king and Sappho of her death.

      A few months later the satrap of Egypt received the following letter from the hand of the king:

      “Inasmuch as we ourselves knew and honored Rhodopis, the Greek, who

       has lately died in Naukratis,—inasmuch as her granddaughter, as

       widow of the lawful heir to the Persian throne, enjoys to this day

       the rank and honors of a queen,—and lastly, inasmuch as I have

       lately taken the great-grandchild of the same Rhodopis, Parmys, the

       daughter of Bartja and Sappho, to be my third lawful wife, it seems

       to me just to grant royal honors to the ancestress of two queens. I

       therefore command thee to cause the ashes of Rhodopis, whom we have

       always esteemed as the greatest and rarest among women, to be buried

       in the greatest and rarest of all monuments, namely, in one of the

       Pyramids. The costly urn, which thou wilt receive herewith, is sent

       by Sappho to preserve the ashes of the deceased.”

       Given in the new imperial palace at Persepolis.

       DARIUS, son of Hystaspes.



       Table of Contents

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