The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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that none received authority to preach or

       to teach except it were by him from God. Therefore he

       consecrated all their priests and all their teachers; and none

       were consecrated except they were just men.

      Mosiah 23:18

       18 Therefore they did watch over their people, and did nourish

       them with things pertaining to righteousness.

      Mosiah 23:19

       19 And it came to pass that they began to prosper exceedingly in

       the land; and they called the land Helam.

      Mosiah 23:20

       20 And it came to pass that they did multiply and prosper

       exceedingly in the land of Helam; and they built a city, which

       they called the city of Helam.

      Mosiah 23:21

       21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea,

       he trieth their patience and their faith.

      Mosiah 23:22

       22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same

       shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with

       this people.

      Mosiah 23:23

       23 For behold, I will show unto you that they were brought into

       bondage, and none could deliver them but the Lord their God, yea,

       even the God of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob.

      Mosiah 23:24

       24 And it came to pass that he did deliver them, and he did show

       forth his mighty power unto them, and great were their


      Mosiah 23:25

       25 For behold, it came to pass that while they were in the land

       of Helam, yea, in the city of Helam, while tilling the land round

       about, behold an army of the Lamanites was in the borders of the


      Mosiah 23:26

       26 Now it came to pass that the brethren of Alma fled from their

       fields, and gathered themselves together in the city of Helam;

       and they were much frightened because of the appearance of the


      Mosiah 23:27

       27 But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them

       that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember

       the Lord their God and he would deliver them.

      Mosiah 23:28

       28 Therefore they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the

       Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites, that they

       would spare them, and their wives, and their children.

      Mosiah 23:29

       29 And it came to pass the the Lord did soften the hearts of the

       Lamanites. And Alma and his brethren went forth and delivered

       themselves up into their hands; and the Lamanites took possession

       of the land of Helam.

      Mosiah 23:30

       30 Now the armies of the Lamanites, which had followed after the

       people of king Limhi, had been lost in the wilderness for many


      Mosiah 23:31

       31 And behold, they had found those priests of king Noah, in a

       place which they called Amulon; and they had begun to possess the

       land of Amulon and had begun to till the ground.

      Mosiah 23:32

       32 Now the name of the leader of those priests was Amulon.

      Mosiah 23:33

       33 And it came to pass that Amulon did plead with the Lamanites;

       and he also sent forth their wives, who were the daughters of the

       Lamanites, to plead with their brethren, that they should not

       destroy their husbands.

      Mosiah 23:34

       34 And the Lamanites had compassion on Amulon and his brethren,

       and did not destroy them, because of their wives.

      Mosiah 23:35

       35 And Amulon and his brethren did join the Lamanites, and they

       were traveling in the wilderness in search of the land of Nephi

       when they discovered the land of Helam, which was possessed by

       Alma and his brethren.

      Mosiah 23:36

       36 And it came to pass that the Lamanites promised unto Alma and

       his brethren, that if they would show them the way which led to

       the land of Nephi that they would grant unto them their lives and

       their liberty.

      Mosiah 23:37

       37 But after Alma had shown them the way that led to the land of

       Nephi the Lamanites would not keep their promise; but they set

       guards round about the land of Helam, over Alma and his brethren.

      Mosiah 23:38

       38 And the remainder of them went to the land of Nephi; and a

       part of them returned to the land of Helam, and also brought with

       them the wives and the children of the guards who had been left

       in the land.

      Mosiah 23:39

       39 And the king of the Lamanites had granted unto Amulon that he

       should be a king and a ruler over his people, who were in the

       land of Helam; nevertheless he should have no power to do

       anything contrary to the will of the king of the Lamanites.

      Mosiah 24 Chapter 24

      Mosiah 24:1

       1 And it came to pass that Amulon did gain favor in the eyes of

       the king of the Lamanites; therefore, the king of the Lamanites

       granted unto him and his brethren that they should be appointed

       teachers over his people, yea, even over the people who were in

       the land of Shemlon, and in the land of Shilom, and in the land

       of Amulon.

      Mosiah 24:2

       2 For the Lamanites had taken possession of all these lands;

       therefore, the king of the Lamanites had appointed kings over all

       these lands.

      Mosiah 24:3

       3 And now the name of the king of the Lamanites was Laman, being

       called after the name of his father; and therefore he was called

       king Laman. And he was king over a numerous people.

      Mosiah 24:4

       4 And he appointed teachers of the brethren of Amulon in every

       land which was possessed by his people; and thus the language of

       Nephi began to be taught

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