The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.
took their brethren who had been taken captive by the Lamanites,
and there was not one soul of them had been lost that were taken
captive. And they were brought by their brethren to possess
their own lands.
Alma 16:9
9 And thus ended the eleventh year of the judges, the Lamanites
having been driven out of the land, and the people of Ammonihah
were destroyed; yea, every living soul of the Ammonihahites was
destroyed, and also their great city, which they said God could
not destroy, because of its greatness.
Alma 16:10
10 But behold, in one day it was left desolate; and the
carcasses were mangled by dogs and wild beasts of the wilderness.
Alma 16:11
11 Nevertheless, after many days their dead bodies were heaped
up upon the face of the earth, and they were covered with a
shallow covering. And now so great was the scent thereof that
the people did not go in to possess the land of Ammonihah for
many years. And it was called Desolation of Nehors; for they
were of the profession of Nehor, who were slain; and their lands
remained desolate.
Alma 16:12
12 And the Lamanites did not come again to war against the
Nephites until the fourteenth year of the reign of the judges
over the people of Nephi. And thus for three years did the
people of Nephi have continual peace in all the land.
Alma 16:13
13 And Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance to the
people in their temples, and in their sanctuaries, and also in
their synagogues, which were built after the manner of the Jews.
Alma 16:14
14 And as many as would hear their words, unto them they did
impart the word of God, without any respect of persons,
Alma 16:15
15 And thus did Alma and Amulek go forth, and also many more who
had been chosen for the work, to preach the word throughout all
the land. And the establishment of the church became general
throughout the land, in all the region round about, among all the
people of the Nephites.
Alma 16:16
16 And there was no inequality among them; the Lord did pour out
his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of
the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the
word which should be taught among them at the time of his
Alma 16:17
17 That they might not be hardened against the word, that they
might not be unbelieving, and go on to destruction, but that they
might receive the word with joy, and as a branch be grafted into
the true vine, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord
their God.
Alma 16:18
18 Now those priests who did go forth among the people did
preach against all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and
strifes, and malice, and revilings, and stealing, robbing,
plundering, murdering, committing adultery, and all manner of
lasciviousness, crying that these things ought not so to be—
Alma 16:19
19 Holding forth things which must shortly come; yea, holding
forth the coming of the Son of God, his sufferings and death, and
also the resurrection of the dead.
Alma 16:20
20 And many of the people did inquire concerning the place where
the Son of God should come; and they were taught that he would
appear unto them after his resurrection; and this the people did
hear with great joy and gladness.
Alma 16:21
21 And now after the church had been established throughout all
the land—having got the victory over the devil, and the word of
God being preached in its purity in all the land, and the Lord
pouring out his blessings upon the people—thus ended the
fourteenth year of the reign of the judges over the people of
Alma 17 Chapter 17
Alma 17:1
1 And now it came to pass that as Alma was journeying from the
land of Gideon southward, away to the land of Manti, behold, to
his astonishment, he met with the sons of Mosiah journeying
towards the land of Zarahemla.
Alma 17:2
2 Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel
first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly
to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were
still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in
the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound
understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently,
that they might know the word of God.
Alma 17:3
3 But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer,
and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the
spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with
power and authority of God.
Alma 17:4
4 And they had been teaching the word of God for the space of
fourteen years among the Lamanites, having had much success in
bringing many to the knowledge of the truth; yea, by the power of
their words many were brought before the altar of God, to call on
his name and confess their sins before him.
Alma 17:5
5 Now these are the circumstances which attended them in their
journeyings, for they had many afflictions; they did suffer much,
both in body and in mind, such as hunger, thirst and fatigue, and
also much labor in the spirit.
Alma 17:6
6 Now these were their journeyings: Having taken leave of their
father, Mosiah, in the first year of the judges; having refused
the kingdom which their father was desirous to confer upon them,