The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.
and when she had done this, she took the king, Lamoni, by the
hand, and behold he arose and stood upon his feet.
Alma 19:31
31 And he, immediately, seeing the contention among his people,
went forth and began to rebuke them, and to teach them the words
which he had heard from the mouth of Ammon; and as many as heard
his words believed, and were converted unto the Lord.
Alma 19:32
32 But there were many among them who would not hear his words;
therefore they went their way.
Alma 19:33
33 And it came to pass that when Ammon arose he also
administered unto them, and also did all the servants of Lamoni;
and they did all declare unto the people the selfsame thing—that
their hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do
Alma 19:34
34 And behold, many did declare unto the people that they had
seen angels and had conversed with them; and thus they had told
them things of God, and of his righteousness.
Alma 19:35
35 And it came to pass that there were many that did believe in
their words; and as many as did believe were baptized; and they
became a righteous people, and they did establish a church among
Alma 19:36
36 And thus the work of the Lord did commence among the
Lamanites; thus the Lord did begin to pour out his Spirit upon
them; and we see that his arm is extended to all people who will
repent and believe on his name.
Alma 20 Chapter 20
Alma 20:1
1 And it came to pass that when they had established a church in
that land, that king Lamoni desired that Ammon should go with him
to the land of Nephi, that he might show him unto his father.
Alma 20:2
2 And the voice of the Lord came to Ammon saying: Thou shalt not
go up to the land of Nephi, for behold, the king will seek thy
life; but thou shalt go to the land of Middoni; for behold, thy
brother Aaron, and also Muloki and Ammah are in prison.
Alma 20:3
3 Now it came to pass that when Ammon had heard this, he said
unto Lamoni: Behold, my brother and brethren are in prison at
Middoni, and I go that I may deliver them.
Alma 20:4
4 Now Lamoni said unto Ammon: I know, in the strength of the
Lord thou canst do all things. But behold, I will go with thee
to the land of Middoni; for the king of the land of Middoni,
whose name is Antiomno, is a friend unto me; therefore I go to
the land of Middoni, that I may flatter the king of the land, and
he will cast thy brethren out of prison. Now Lamoni said unto
him: Who told thee that thy brethren were in prison?
Alma 20:5
5 And Ammon said unto him: No one hath told me, save it be God;
and he said unto me—Go and deliver thy brethren, for they are in
prison in the land of Middoni.
Alma 20:6
6 Now when Lamoni had heard this he caused that his servants
should make ready his horses and his chariots.
Alma 20:7
7 And he said unto Ammon: Come, I will go with thee down to the
land of Middoni, and there I will plead with the king that he
will cast thy brethren out of prison.
Alma 20:8
8 And it came to pass that as Ammon and Lamoni were journeying
thither, they met the father of Lamoni, who was king over all the
Alma 20:9
9 And behold, the father of Lamoni said unto him: Why did ye not
come to the feast on that great day when I made a feast unto my
sons, and unto my people?
Alma 20:10
10 And he also said: Whither art thou going with this Nephite,
who is one of the children of a liar?
Alma 20:11
11 And it came to pass that Lamoni rehearsed unto him whither he
was going, for he feared to offend him.
Alma 20:12
12 And he also told him all the cause of his tarrying in his own
kingdom, that he did not go unto his father to the feast which he
had prepared.
Alma 20:13
13 And now when Lamoni had rehearsed unto him all these things,
behold, to his astonishment, his father was angry with him, and
said: Lamoni, thou art going to deliver these Nephites, who are
sons of a liar. Behold, he robbed our fathers; and now his
children are also come amongst us that they may, by their cunning
and their lyings, deceive us, that they again may rob us of our
Alma 20:14
14 Now the father of Lamoni commanded him that he should slay
Ammon with the sword. And he also commanded him that he should
not go to the land of Middoni, but that he should return with him
to the land of Ishmael.
Alma 20:15
15 But Lamoni said unto him: I will not slay Ammon, neither will
I return to the land of Ishmael, but I go to the land of Middoni
that I may release the brethren of Ammon, for I know that they
are just men and holy prophets of the true God.
Alma 20:16
16 Now when his father had heard these words, he was angry with
him, and he drew his sword that he might smite him to the earth.
Alma 20:17
17 But Ammon stood forth and said unto him: Behold, thou shalt
not slay thy son; nevertheless, it were better that he should
fall than thee, for behold, he has repented of his sins; but if
thou shouldst fall at this time, in thine anger, thy soul could
not be saved.
Alma 20:18
18 And again, it is expedient that thou shouldst forbear; for if
thou shouldst slay thy son, he being an innocent man, his blood