The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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       4 Know ye that ye must lay down your weapons of war, and delight

       no more in the shedding of blood, and take them not again, save

       it be that God shall command you.

      Mormon 7:5

       5 Know ye that ye must come to the knowledge of your fathers,

       and repent of all your sins and iniquities, and believe in Jesus

       Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain by the

       Jews, and by the power of the Father he hath risen again, whereby

       he hath gained the victory over the grave; and also in him is the

       sting of death swallowed up.

      Mormon 7:6

       6 And he bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead, whereby

       man must be raised to stand before his judgment-seat.

      Mormon 7:7

       7 And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world,

       whereby he that is found guiltless before him at the judgment day

       hath it given unto him to dwell in the presence of God in his

       kingdom, to sing ceaseless praises with the choirs above, unto

       the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, which are

       one God, in a state of happiness which hath no end.

      Mormon 7:8

       8 Therefore repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus, and

       lay hold upon the gospel of Christ, which shall be set before

       you, not only in this record but also in the record which shall

       come unto the Gentiles from the Jews, which record shall come

       from the Gentiles unto you.

      Mormon 7:9

       9 For behold, this is written for the intent that ye may believe

       that; and if ye believe that ye will believe this also; and if ye

       believe this ye will know concerning your fathers, and also the

       marvelous works which were wrought by the power of God among


      Mormon 7:10

       10 And ye will also know that ye are a remnant of the seed of

       Jacob; therefore ye are numbered among the people of the first

       covenant; and if it so be that ye believe in Christ, and are

       baptized, first with water, then with fire and with the Holy

       Ghost, following the example of our Savior, according to that

       which he hath commanded us, it shall be well with you in the day

       of judgment. Amen.

      Mormon 8 Chapter 8

      Mormon 8:1

       1 Behold I, Moroni, do finish the record of my father, Mormon.

       Behold, I have but few things to write, which things I have been

       commanded by my father.

      Mormon 8:2

       2 And now it came to pass that after the great and tremendous

       battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the

       country southward were hunted by the Lamanites, until they were

       all destroyed.

      Mormon 8:3

       3 And my father also was killed by them, and I even remain alone

       to write the sad tale of the destruction of my people. But

       behold, they are gone, and I fulfil the commandment of my father.

      And whether they will slay me, I know not.

      Mormon 8:4

       4 Therefore I will write and hide up the records in the earth;

       and whither I go it mattereth not.

      Mormon 8:5

       5 Behold, my father hath made this record, and he hath written

       the intent thereof. And behold, I would write it also if I had

       room upon the plates, but I have not; and ore I have none, for I

       am alone. My father hath been slain in battle, and all my

       kinsfolk, and I have not friends nor whither to go; and how long

       the Lord will suffer that I may live I know not.

      Mormon 8:6

       6 Behold, four hundred years have passed away since the coming

       of our Lord and Savior.

      Mormon 8:7

       7 And behold, the Lamanites have hunted my people, the Nephites,

       down from city to city and from place to place, even until they

       are no more; and great has been their fall; yea, great and

       marvelous is the destruction of my people, the Nephites.

      Mormon 8:8

       8 And behold, it is the hand of the Lord which hath done it.

       And behold also, the Lamanites are at war one with another; and

       the whole face of this land is one continual round of murder and

       bloodshed; and no one knoweth the end of the war.

      Mormon 8:9

       9 And now, behold, I say no more concerning them, for there are

       none save it be the Lamanites and robbers that do exist upon the

       face of the land.

      Mormon 8:10

       10 And there are none that do know the true God save it be the

       disciples of Jesus, who did tarry in the land until the

       wickedness of the people was so great that the Lord would not

       suffer them to remain with the people; and whether they be upon

       the face of the land no man knoweth.

      Mormon 8:11

       11 But behold, my father and I have seen them, and they have

       ministered unto us.

      Mormon 8:12

       12 And whoso receiveth this record, and shall not condemn it

       because of the imperfections which are in it, the same shall know

       of greater things than these. Behold, I am Moroni; and were it

       possible, I would make all things known unto you.

      Mormon 8:13

       13 Behold, I make an end of speaking concerning this people. I

       am the son of Mormon, and my father was a descendant of Nephi.

      Mormon 8:14

       14 And I am the same who hideth up this record unto the Lord;

       the plates thereof are of no worth, because of the commandment of

       the Lord. For he truly saith that no one shall have them to get

       gain; but the record thereof is of great worth; and whoso shall

       bring it to light, him will the Lord bless.

      Mormon 8:15

       15 For none can have power to bring it to light save it be given

       him of God; for God wills that it shall be done with an eye

       single to his glory, or the welfare of the ancient and long


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