The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.
ye become holy, without spot.
Moroni 10:34
34 And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the
paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite,
and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you
before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge
of both quick and dead. Amen.
The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Hiram, Ohio, November 1, 1831.
Words of Moroni to Joseph Smith, Manchester, New York, September 21, 1823.
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1828.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, March 1829.
Revelation to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829.
Revelation to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Oliver Cowdery, Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Oliver Cowdery, Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829.
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, summer of 1828.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to his brother Hyrum Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Joseph Knight, Sr., Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to David Whitmer, Fayette, New York, June 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to John Whitmer, Fayette, New York, June 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Peter Whitmer, Jr., Fayette, New York, June 1829.
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer, Fayette, New York, June 1829.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Martin Harris, Manchester, New York, March 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, April 1830.
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Fayette, New York, April 6, 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Manchester, New York, April 1830.
Revelation to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830. See
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and John Whitmer, Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830. See
Revelation to Joseph Smith, Harmony, Pennsylvania, August 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Oliver Cowdery, Fayette, New York, September 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Fayette, New York, September 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Thomas B. Marsh, September 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson, October 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet, Fayette, New York, October 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Orson Pratt, Fayette, New York, November 4, 1830.
Revelation to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, at or near Fayette, New York, December 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to Edward Partridge, near Fayette, New York, December 1830.
Revelation to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, near Fayette, New York, December 1830.
Revelation through Joseph Smith, Fayette, New York, January 2, 1831.
Revelation through Joseph Smith to James Covill, Fayette, New York, January 5, 1831.