The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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in obtaining heavenly things;

      7 For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you.

      8 And now, verily thus saith the Lord, it is expedient that all things be done unto my glory, by you who are joined together in this order;

      9 Or, in other words, let my servant Newel K. Whitney and my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and my servant Sidney Rigdon sit in council with the saints which are in Zion;

      10 Otherwise Satan seeketh to turn their hearts away from the truth, that they become blinded and understand not the things which are prepared for them.

      11 Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, to prepare and organize yourselves by a bond or everlasting covenant that cannot be broken.

      12 And he who breaketh it shall lose his office and standing in the church, and shall be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan until the day of redemption.

      13 Behold, this is the preparation wherewith I prepare you, and the foundation, and the ensample which I give unto you, whereby you may accomplish the commandments which are given you;

      14 That through my providence, notwithstanding the tribulation which shall descend upon you, that the church may stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world;

      15 That you may come up unto the crown prepared for you, and be made rulers over many kingdoms, saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Zion, who hath established the foundations of Adam-ondi-Ahman;

      16 Who hath appointed Michael your prince, and established his feet, and set him upon high, and given unto him the keys of salvation under the counsel and direction of the Holy One, who is without beginning of days or end of life.

      17 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you;

      18 And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.

      19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.

      20 Wherefore, do the things which I have commanded you, saith your Redeemer, even the Son Ahman, who prepareth all things before he taketh you;

      21 For ye are the church of the Firstborn, and he will take you up in a cloud, and appoint every man his portion.

      22 And he that is a faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Hiram, Ohio, March 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:257.

      1 Verily I say unto you, that it is my will that my servant Jared Carter should go again into the eastern countries, from place to place, and from city to city, in the power of the ordination wherewith he has been ordained, proclaiming glad tidings of great joy, even the everlasting gospel.

      2 And I will send upon him the Comforter, which shall teach him the truth and the way whither he shall go;

      3 And inasmuch as he is faithful, I will crown him again with sheaves.

      4 Wherefore, let your heart be glad, my servant Jared Carter, and fear not, saith your Lord, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Hiram, Ohio, March 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:257.

      1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Stephen Burnett: Go ye, go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature that cometh under the sound of your voice.

      2 And inasmuch as you desire a companion, I will give unto you my servant Eden Smith.

      3 Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss.

      4 Therefore, declare the things which ye have heard, and verily believe, and know to be true.

      5 Behold, this is the will of him who hath called you, your Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Hiram, Ohio, March 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:257-58.

      1 Verily, verily, I say unto you my servant Frederick G. Williams: Listen to the voice of him who speaketh, to the word of the Lord your God, and hearken to the calling wherewith you are called, even to be a high priest in my church, and a counselor unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun.;

      2 Unto whom I have given the keys of the kingdom, which belong always unto the Presidency of the High Priesthood:

      3 Therefore, verily I acknowledge him and will bless him, and also thee, inasmuch as thou art faithful in counsel, in the office which I have appointed unto you, in prayer always, vocally and in thy heart, in public and in private, also in thy ministry in proclaiming the gospel in the land of the living, and among thy brethren.

      4 And in doing these things thou wilt do the greatest good unto thy fellow beings, and wilt promote the glory of him who is your Lord.

      5 Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.

      6 And if thou art faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortality, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my Father.

      7 Behold, and lo, these are the words of Alpha and Omega, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

      Revelation to Joseph Smith, Jackson County, Missouri, April 26, 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:267-69.

      1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, my servants, that inasmuch as you have forgiven one another your trespasses, even so I, the Lord, forgive you.

      2 Nevertheless, there are those among you who have sinned exceedingly; yea, even all of you have sinned; but verily I say unto you, beware from henceforth, and refrain from sin, lest sore judgments fall upon your heads.

      3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation.

      4 Ye call upon my name for revelations, and I give them unto you; and inasmuch as ye keep not my sayings, which I give unto you, ye become transgressors; and justice and judgment are the penalty which is affixed unto my law.

      5 Therefore, what I say unto one I say unto all: Watch, for the adversary spreadeth his dominions, and darkness reigneth;

      6 And the anger of God kindleth against the inhabitants of the earth;

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