The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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       2 Hearken, O ye house of Israel, and hear the words of me, a

       prophet of the Lord.

      Jacob 5:3

       3 For behold, thus saith the Lord, I will liken thee, O house of

       Israel, like unto a tame olive-tree, which a man took and

       nourished in his vineyard; and it grew, and waxed old, and began

       to decay.

      Jacob 5:4

       4 And it came to pass that the master of the vineyard went

       forth, and he saw that his olive-tree began to decay; and he

       said: I will prune it, and dig about it, and nourish it, that

       perhaps it may shoot forth young and tender branches, and it

       perish not.

      Jacob 5:5

       5 And it came to pass that he pruned it, and digged about it,

       and nourished it according to his word.

      Jacob 5:6

       6 And it came to pass that after many days it began to put forth

       somewhat a little, young and tender branches; but behold, the

       main top thereof began to perish.

      Jacob 5:7

       7 And it came to pass that the master of the vineyard saw it,

       and he said unto his servant: It grieveth me that I should lose

       this tree; wherefore, go and pluck the branches from a wild

       olive-tree, and bring them hither unto me; and we will pluck off

       those main branches which are beginning to wither away, and we

       will cast them into the fire that they may be burned.

      Jacob 5:8

       8 And behold, saith the Lord of the vineyard, I take away many

       of these young and tender branches, and I will graft them

       whithersoever I will; and it mattereth not that if it so be that

       the root of this tree will perish, I may preserve the fruit

       thereof unto myself; wherefore, I will take these young and

       tender branches, and I will graft them whithersoever I will.

      Jacob 5:9

       9 Take thou the branches of the wild olive-tree, and graft them

       in, in the stead thereof; and these which I have plucked off I

       will cast into the fire and burn them, that they may not cumber

       the ground of my vineyard.

      Jacob 5:10

       10 And it came to pass that the servant of the Lord of the

       vineyard did according to the word of the Lord of the vineyard,

       and grafted in the branches of the wild olive-tree.

      Jacob 5:11

       11 And the Lord of the vineyard caused that it should be digged

       about, and pruned, and nourished, saying unto his servant: It

       grieveth me that I should lose this tree; wherefore, that perhaps

       I might preserve the roots thereof that they perish not, that I

       might preserve them unto myself, I have done this thing.

      Jacob 5:12

       12 Wherefore, go thy way; watch the tree, and nourish it,

       according to my words.

      Jacob 5:13

       13 And these will I place in the nethermost part of my vineyard,

       whithersoever I will, it mattereth not unto thee; and I do it

       that I may preserve unto myself the natural branches of the tree;

       and also, that I may lay up fruit thereof against the season,

       unto myself; for it grieveth me that I should lose this tree and

       the fruit thereof.

      Jacob 5:14

       14 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard went his

       way, and hid the natural branches of the tame olive-tree in the

       nethermost parts of the vineyard, some in one and some in

       another, according to his will and pleasure.

      Jacob 5:15

       15 And it came to pass that a long time passed away, and the

       Lord of the vineyard said unto his servant: Come, let us go down

       into the vineyard, that we may labor in the vineyard.

      Jacob 5:16

       16 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard, and also

       the servant, went down into the vineyard to labor. And it came

       to pass that the servant said unto his master: Behold, look here;

       behold the tree.

      Jacob 5:17

       17 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard looked and

       beheld the tree in the which the wild olive branches had been

       grafted; and it had sprung forth and begun to bear fruit. And he

       beheld that it was good; and the fruit thereof was like unto the

       natural fruit.

      Jacob 5:18

       18 And he said unto the servant: Behold, the branches of the

       wild tree have taken hold of the moisture of the root thereof,

       that the root thereof hath brought forth much strength; and

       because of the much strength of the root thereof the wild

       branches have brought forth tame fruit. Now, if we had not

       grafted in these branches, the tree thereof would have perished.

       And now, behold, I shall lay up much fruit, which the tree

       thereof hath brought forth; and the fruit thereof I shall lay up

       against the season, unto mine own self.

      Jacob 5:19

       19 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said unto

       the servant: Come, let us go to the nethermost part of the

       vineyard, and behold if the natural branches of the tree have not

       brought forth much fruit also, that I may lay up of the fruit

       thereof against the season, unto mine own self.

      Jacob 5:20

       20 And it came to pass that they went forth whither the master

       had hid the natural branches of the tree, and he said unto the

       servant: Behold these; and he beheld the first that it had

       brought forth much fruit; and he beheld also that it was good.

       And he said unto the servant: Take of the fruit thereof, and lay

       it up against the season, that I may preserve it unto mine own

       self; for behold, said he, this long time have I nourished it,

       and it hath brought forth much fruit.

      Jacob 5:21

       21 And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master:

       How comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the

       tree? For behold, it was the poorest spot in all the

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