Roget's Thesaurus. Peter Mark Roget

Roget's Thesaurus - Peter Mark Roget

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exponential, logarithmic, logometric[obs3],

       differential, fluxional[obs3], integral, totitive[obs3].

       positive, negative; rational, irrational; surd, radical, real;

       complex, imaginary; finite; infinite; impossible.

       Adv. numerically; modulo.

      #85. Numeration. — N. numeration; numbering &c. v.; pagination; tale, recension[obs3], enumeration, summation, reckoning, computation, supputation[obs3]; calculation, calculus; algorithm, algorism[obs3], rhabdology[obs3], dactylonomy[obs3]; measurement &c. 466; statistics. arithmetic, analysis, algebra, geometry, analytical geometry, fluxions[obs3]; differential calculus, integral calculus, infinitesimal calculus; calculus of differences. [Statistics] dead reckoning, muster, poll, census, capitation, roll call, recapitulation; account &c. (list) 86. [Operations] notation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rule of three, practice, equations, extraction of roots, reduction, involution, evolution, estimation, approximation, interpolation, differentiation, integration. [Instruments] abacus, logometer[obs3], slide rule, slipstick[coll.], tallies, Napier's bones, calculating machine, difference engine, suan- pan[obs3]; adding machine; cash register; electronic calculator, calculator, computer; [people who calculate] arithmetician, calculator, abacist[obs3], algebraist, mathematician; statistician, geometer; programmer; accountant, auditor. V. number, count, tally, tell; call over, run over; take an account of, enumerate, muster, poll, recite, recapitulate; sum; sum up, cast up; tell off, score, cipher, compute, calculate, suppute[obs3], add, subtract, multiply, divide, extract roots; algebraize[obs3]. check, prove, demonstrate, balance, audit, overhaul, take stock; affix numbers to, page. amount to, add up to, come to. Adj. numeral, numerical; arithmetical, analytic, algebraic, statistical, numerable, computable, calculable; commensurable, commensurate; incommensurable, incommensurate, innumerable, unfathomable, infinite. Adv. quantitatively; arithmetically; measurably; in numbers.

      #86. List. — N. list, catalog, catalogue, inventory; register &c.

       (record) 551.

       account; bill, bill of costs; terrier; tally, listing, itemization;

       atlas; book, ledger; catalogue raisonne[Fr]; tableau; invoice, bill of

       lading; prospectus; bill of fare, menu, carte[Fr]; score, census,

       statistics, returns.

       [list of topics in a document] contents, table of contents, outline;


       [list of topics in a protracted activity (frame)] program,

       programme[Brit]; syllabus; agenda, schedule, calendar, docket.

       [computer-generated list] listing, printout, output.

       [written list used as an aid to memory] checklist.

       table, chart, database; index, inverted file, word list, concordance.

       dictionary, lexicon; vocabulary, glossary; thesaurus.

       file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book.

       Red book, Blue book, Domesday book; cadastre[Fr]; directory,

       gazetter[obs3]. almanac; army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy

       list; Almanach de Gotha[obs3], cadaster; Lloyd's register, nautical


       who's who; Guiness's Book of World Records.

       roll; check roll, checker roll, bead roll; muster roll, muster book;

       roster, panel, jury list; cartulary, diptych.

       V. list, itemize; sort, collate; enumerate, tabulate, catalog, tally.

       Adj. cadastral[obs3].

      <—p. 28—>


      #87. {opp. 100} Unity. — N. unity; oneness &c. adj.; individuality; solitude &c. (seclusion) 893; isolation &c. (disjunction) 44; unification &c. 48. one, unit, ace; individual; none else, no other. V. be one, be alone &c. adj.; dine with Duke Humphrey[obs3]. isolate &c. (disjoin) 44. render one; unite &c. (join) 43, (combine) 48. Adj. one, sole, single, solitary, unitary; individual, apart, alone; kithless[obs3]. unaccompanied, unattended; solus[Lat], single-handed; singular, odd, unique, unrepeated[obs3], azygous, first and last; isolated &c. (disjoined) 44; insular. monospermous[obs3]; unific[obs3], uniflorous[obs3], unifoliate[obs3], unigenital[obs3], uniliteral[obs3], unijocular[obs3], unimodal [statistics], unimodular[obs3]. lone, lonely, lonesome; desolate, dreary, insecable|, inseverable[obs3], indiscerptible[obs3]; compact, indivisible, atomic, irresolvable[obs3]. Adv. singly &c. adj.; alone, by itself, per se, only, apart, in the singular number, in the abstract; one by one, one at a time; simply; one and a half, sesqui-[obs3]. Phr. natura il fece [It], e poi roppe la stampa[It]; du fort au faible [obs3][Fr]; "two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one".

      #88. Accompaniment. — N. accompaniment; adjunct &c. 39; context; appendage, appurtenance. coexistence, concomitance, company, association, companionship; partnership, copartnership; coefficiency[obs3]. concomitant, accessory, coefficient; companion, buddy, attendant, fellow, associate, friend, colleague; consort, spouse, mate; partner, co- partner; satellite, hanger on, fellow-traveller, shadow; escort, cortege; attribute. V. accompany, coexist, attend; hang on, wait on; go hand in hand with; synchronize &c. 120; bear company, keep company; row in the same boat; bring in its train; associate with, couple with. Adj. accompanying &c. v.; concomitant, fellow, twin, joint; associated with, coupled with; accessory, attendant, obbligato. Adv. with, withal; together with, along with, in company with; hand in hand, side by side; cheek by jowl, cheek by jole[obs3]; arm in arm; therewith, herewith; and &c. (addition) 37. together, in a body, collectively. Phr. noscitur a sociis[Lat]; virtutis fortuna comes[Lat].

      #89. Duality. — N. duality, dualism; duplicity; biplicity[obs3], biformity[obs3]; polarity; two, deuce, couple, duet, brace, pair, cheeks, twins, Castor and Pollux, gemini, Siamese twins; fellows; yoke, conjugation; dispermy[obs3], doublets, dyad, span. V. pair[unite in pairs], couple, bracket, yoke; conduplicate[obs3]; mate, span [U.S.]. Adj. two, twin; dual, dualistic, double; binary, binomial; twin, biparous[obs3]; dyadic[Math]; conduplicate[obs3]; duplex &c. 90; biduous[obs3], binate[obs3], diphyletic[obs3], dispermic[obs3], unijugate[obs3]; tete-a-tete. coupled &c. v.; conjugate. both, both the one and the other.

      #90. Duplication. — N. duplication; doubling &c. v.; gemination, ingemination[obs3]; reduplication; iteration &c. (repetition) 104; renewal. V. double, redouble, duplicate, reduplicate; geminate; repeat &c. 104; renew &c. 660. Adj. double; doubled &c. v.; bicipital[obs3], bicephalous[obs3], bidental[obs3], bilabiate, bivalve, bivalvular[obs3], bifold[obs3], biform[obs3], bilateral; bifarious[obs3], bifacial[obs3]; twofold, two- sided; disomatous[obs3]; duplex; double-faced, double-headed; twin, duplicate, ingeminate[obs3]; second. Adv. twice, once more; over again &c. (repeatedly) 104; as much again, twofold; secondly, in the second place, again.

      #91. [Division into two parts.] bisection. — N. bisection,

       bipartition; dichotomy, subdichotomy[obs3]; halving &c. v.;


       bifurcation, forking, branching, ramification, divarication; fork,

       prong; fold; half, moiety.

       V. bisect, halve, divide, split, cut in two, cleave dimidiate[obs3],


       go halves, divide with.

       separate, fork, bifurcate; branch off, out; ramify.

       Adj. bisected &c. v.; cloven, cleft; bipartite, biconjugate[obs3],

       bicuspid, bifid; bifurcous[obs3], bifurcate, bifurcated; distichous,

       dichotomous, furcular[obs3]; semi-, demi-, hemi[obs3].

      <—p. 29—>

      #92. Triality. — N. Triality[obs3], trinity; triunity[obs3].

       three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, ternion[obs3], leash; shamrock,

       tierce[obs3], spike-team

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