Roget's Thesaurus. Peter Mark Roget
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#1. Existence.— N. existence, being, entity, ens[Lat], esse[Lat],
reality, actuality; positiveness &c. adj.; fact, matter of fact, sober
reality; truth &c. 494; actual existence.
presence &c. (existence in space) 186; coexistence &c. 120.
stubborn fact, hard fact; not a dream &c. 515; no joke.
center of life, essence, inmost nature, inner reality, vital
[Science of existence], ontology.
V. exist, be; have being &c. n.; subsist, live, breathe, stand,
obtain, be the case; occur &c. (event) 151; have place, prevail; find
oneself, pass the time, vegetate.
consist in, lie in; be comprised in, be contained in, be constituted
come into existence &c. n.; arise &c. (begin) 66; come forth &c.
(appear) 446.
become &c. (be converted) 144; bring into existence &c. 161.
abide, continue, endure, last, remain, stay.
Adj. existing &c. v.; existent, under the sun; in existence &c. n.;
extant; afloat, afoot, on foot, current, prevalent; undestroyed.
real, actual, positive, absolute; true &c. 494; substantial,
substantive; self-existing, self-existent; essential.
well-founded, well-grounded; unideal[obs3], unimagined; not potential
&c. 2; authentic.
Adv. actually &c. adj.; in fact, in point of fact, in reality; indeed;
de facto, ipso facto.
Phr. ens rationis[Lat]; ergo sum cogito: "thinkest thou existence doth
depend on time?" [Lat][Byron].
#2. Inexistence.— N. inexistence[obs3]; nonexistence, nonsubsistence;
nonentity, nil; negativeness &c. adj.; nullity; nihility[obs3], nihilism;
tabula rasa[Lat], blank; abeyance; absence &c. 187; no such thing &c. 4;
nonbeing, nothingness, oblivion.
annihilation; extinction &c. (destruction) 162; extinguishment,
extirpation, Nirvana, obliteration.
V. not exist &c. 1; have no existence &c. 1; be null and void; cease
to exist &c. 1; pass away, perish; be extinct, become extinct &c. adj.; die
out; disappear &c. 449; melt away, dissolve, leave not a rack behind; go,
be no more; die &c. 360.
annihilate, render null, nullify; abrogate &c. 756; destroy &c. 162;
take away; remove &c. (displace) 185; obliterate, extirpate.
Adj. inexistent[obs3], nonexistent &c. 1; negative, blank; missing,
omitted; absent &c. 187; insubstantial, shadowy, spectral, visionary.
unreal, potential, virtual; baseless, in nubibus[Lat]; unsubstantial
&c. 4; vain.
unborn, uncreated[obs3], unbegotten, unconceived, unproduced, unmade.
perished, annihilated, &c. v.; extinct, exhausted, gone, lost,
vanished, departed, gone with the wind; defunct &c. (dead) 360.
fabulous, ideal &c. (imaginary) 515, supposititious &c. 514.
Adv. negatively, virtually &c. adj.
Phr. non ens[Lat].
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#3. Substantiality. — N. substantiality, hypostasis; person, being, thing, object, article, item; something, a being, an existence; creature, body, substance, flesh and blood, stuff, substratum; matter &c. 316; corporeity[obs3], element, essential nature, groundwork, materiality, substantialness, vital part. [Totality of existences], world &c. 318; plenum. Adj. substantive, substantial; hypostatic; personal, bodily, tangible &c. (material) 316; corporeal. Adv. substantially &c. adj.; bodily, essentially.
#4. Unsubstantiality. — N. unsubstantiality[obs3], insubstantiality; nothingness, nihility[obs3]; no degree, no part, no quantity, no thing. nothing, naught, nil, nullity, zero, cipher, no one, nobody; never a one, ne'er a one[contr]; no such thing, none in the world; nothing whatever, nothing at all, nothing on earth; not a particle &c. (smallness) 32; all talk, moonshine, stuff and nonsense; matter of no importance, matter of no consequence, thing of naught, man of straw, John Doe and Richard Roe, faggot voter; nominis umbra[Lat], nonentity; flash in the pan, vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]. shadow; phantom &c.(fallacy of vision) 443; dream &c. (imagination) 515; ignis fatuus &c. (luminary) 423[Lat]; "such stuff as dreams are made of" [Tempest]; air, thin air, vapor; bubble &c. 353; "baseless fabric of a vision" [Tempest]; mockery. hollowness, blank; void &c. (absence) 187. inanity, fool's paradise. V. vanish, evaporate, fade, dissolve, melt away; disappear &c. 449. Adj. unsubstantial; baseless, groundless; ungrounded; without foundation, having no foundation. visionary &c. (imaginary) 515; immaterial &c. 137; spectral &c. 980; dreamy; shadowy; ethereal, airy; cloud built, cloud formed; gossamery, illusory, insubstantial, unreal. vacant, vacuous; empty &c. 187; eviscerated; blank, hollow; nominal; null; inane. Phr. there's nothing in it; "an ocean of dreams without a sound" [Shelley].
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#5. Intrinsicality.— N. intrinsicality[obs3], inbeing[obs3], inherence, inhesion[obs3]; subjectiveness; ego; egohood[obs3]; essence, noumenon; essentialness[obs3] &c. adj.; essential part, quintessence, incarnation, quiddity, gist, pith, marrow, core, sap, lifeblood, backbone, heart, soul; important part &c. (importance) 642. principle, nature, constitution, character, type, quality, crasis[obs3], diathesis[obs3]. habit; temper, temperament; spirit, humor, grain; disposition. endowment, capacity; capability &c. (power) 157. moods, declensions, features, aspects; peculiarities &c. (speciality) 79; idiosyncrasy, oddity; idiocrasy &c. (tendency) 176[obs3]; diagnostics. V. be in the blood, run in the blood; be born so; be intrinsic &c. adj. Adj. derived from within, subjective; intrinsic, intrinsical[obs3]; fundamental, normal; implanted, inherent, essential, natural; innate, inborn, inbred, ingrained, inwrought; coeval with birth, genetous[obs3], haematobious[obs3], syngenic[obs3]; radical, incarnate, thoroughbred, hereditary, inherited, immanent; congenital, congenite|; connate, running in the blood; ingenerate[obs3], ingenite|; indigenous; in the grain &c. n.; bred in the bone, instinctive; inward, internal &c. 221; to the manner born; virtual. characteristic &c. (special) 79, (indicative) 550; invariable, incurable, incorrigible, ineradicable, fixed. Adv. intrinsically &c. adj.; at bottom, in the main, in effect, practically, virtually, substantially, au fond; fairly. Phr. "character is higher than intellect" [Emerson]; "come give us a taste of your quality" magnos homines virtute metimur non fortuna [Lat][ Hamlet][Nepos]; non numero haec judicantur sed pondere [Lat][Cicero]; "vital spark of heavenly flame" [Pope].
% External conditions %
#6. Extrinsicality.— N. extrinsicality[obs3], objectiveness,