Roget's Thesaurus. Peter Mark Roget

Roget's Thesaurus - Peter Mark Roget

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establishment, settlement, installation; fixation; insertion &c. 300. habitat, environment, surroundings (situation) 183; circumjacence &c. 227[obs3]. anchorage, mooring, encampment. plantation, colony, settlement, cantonment; colonization, domestication, situation; habitation &c. (abode) 189; cohabitation; "a local habitation and a name" [Midsummer Night's Dream]; endenization[obs3], naturalization. V. place, situate, locate, localize, make a place for, put, lay, set, seat, station, lodge, quarter, post, install; house, stow; establish, fix, pin, root; graft; plant &c. (insert) 300; shelve, pitch, camp, lay down, deposit, reposit[obs3]; cradle; moor, tether, picket; pack, tuck in; embed, imbed; vest, invest in. billet on, quarter upon, saddle with; load, lade, freight; pocket, put up, bag. inhabit &c. (be present) 186; domesticate, colonize; take root, strike root; anchor; cast anchor, come to an anchor; sit down, settle down; settle; take up one's abode, take up one's quarters; plant oneself, establish oneself, locate oneself; squat, perch, hive, se nicher[Fr], bivouac, burrow, get a footing; encamp, pitch one's tent; put up at, put up one's horses at; keep house. endenizen[obs3], naturalize, adopt. put back, replace &c. (restore) 660. Adj. placed &c. v.; situate, posited, ensconced, imbedded, embosomed[obs3], rooted; domesticated; vested in, unremoved[obs3]. moored &c. v.; at anchor.

      #185. Displacement.— N. displacement, elocation[obs3], transposition.

       ejectment &c. 297[obs3]; exile &c. (banishment) 893; removal &c.

       (transference) 270.

       misplacement, dislocation &c. 61; fish out of water.

       V. displace, misplace, displant[obs3], dislodge, disestablish; exile

       &c. (seclude) 893; ablegate[obs3], set aside, remove; take away, cart away;

       take off, draft off; lade &c. 184.

       unload, empty &c. (eject) 297; transfer &c. 270; dispel.

       vacate; depart &c. 293.

       Adj. displaced &c. v.; unplaced, unhoused[obs3], unharbored[obs3],

       unestablished[obs3], unsettled; houseless[obs3], homeless; out of place,

       out of a situation; in the wrong place.

       misplaced, out of its element.


      #186. Presence.— N. presence; occupancy, occupation; attendance;


       permeation, pervasion; diffusion &c. (dispersion) 73.

       ubiety[obs3], ubiquity, ubiquitariness[obs3]; omnipresence.

       bystander &c. (spectator) 444.

       V. exist in space, be present &c. adj.; assister[obs3]; make one of,

       make one at; look on, attend, remain; find oneself, present oneself; show

       one's face; fall in the way of, occur in a place; lie, stand; occupy; be


       people; inhabit, dwell, reside, stay, sojourn, live, abide, lodge,

       nestle, roost, perch; take up one's abode &c. (be located) 184; tenant.

       resort to, frequent, haunt; revisit.

       fill, pervade, permeate; be diffused, be disseminated, be through;

       over spread, overrun; run through; meet one at every turn.

       Adj. present; occupying, inhabiting &c. v.; moored &c. 184;

       resiant[obs3], resident, residentiary[obs3]; domiciled.

       ubiquitous, ubiquitary[obs3]; omnipresent; universally present.

       peopled, populous, full of people, inhabited.

       Adv. here, there, where, everywhere, aboard, on board, at home,

       afield; here there and everywhere &c. (space) 180; in presence of, before;

       under the eyes of, under the nose of; in the face of; in propria


       on the spot; in person, in the flesh.

       Phr. nusquam est qui ubique est [Lat][Seneca].

      <—p. 56—>

      #187. [Nullibiety.1] Absence.— N. absence; inexistence &c. 2[obs3];

       nonresidence, absenteeism; nonattendance, alibi.

       emptiness &c. adj.; void, vacuum; vacuity, vacancy; tabula rasa[Lat];

       exemption; hiatus &c. (interval) 198; lipotype|!.

       truant, absentee.

       nobody; nobody present, nobody on earth; not a soul; ame qui vive[Fr].

       V. be absent &c. adj.; keep away, keep out of the way; play truant,

       absent oneself, stay away; keep aloof, hold aloof.

       withdraw, make oneself scarce, vacate; go away &c. 293.

       Adj. absent, not present, away, nonresident, gone, from home; missing;

       lost; wanting; omitted; nowhere to be found; inexistence &c. 2[obs3].

       empty, void; vacant, vacuous; untenanted, unoccupied, uninhabited;

       tenantless; barren, sterile; desert, deserted; devoid; uninhabitable.

       Adv. without, minus, nowhere; elsewhere; neither here nor there; in

       default of; sans; behind one's back.

       Phr. the bird has flown, non est inventus[Lat].

       "absence makes the heart grow fonder" [Bayley]; "absent in body but

       present in spirit" [1 Corinthians v, 3]; absento nemo ne nocuisse velit

       [Lat][Propertius]; "Achilles absent was Achilles still" [Homer]; aux

       absents les os; briller par son absence[Fr]; "conspicuous by his absence"

       [Russell]; "in the hope to meet shortly again and make our absence sweet"

       [B. Jonson].

      #188. Inhabitant.— N. inhabitant; resident, residentiary[obs3]; dweller, indweller[obs3]; addressee; occupier, occupant; householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, locum tenens, commorant[obs3]; settler, squatter, backwoodsman, colonist; islander; denizen, citizen; burgher, oppidan[obs3], cockney, cit, townsman, burgess; villager; cottager, cottier[obs3], cotter; compatriot; backsettler[obs3], boarder; hotel keeper, innkeeper; habitant; paying guest; planter. native, indigene, aborigines, autochthones[obs3]; Englishman, John Bull; newcomer &c. (stranger) 57. aboriginal, American[obs3], Caledonian, Cambrian, Canadian, Canuck*, downeaster [U.S.], Scot, Scotchman, Hibernian, Irishman, Welshman, Uncle Sam, Yankee, Brother Jonathan. garrison, crew; population; people &c. (mankind) 372; colony, settlement; household; mir[obs3]. V. inhabit &c. (be present) 186; endenizen &c. (locate oneself) 184[obs3]. Adj. indigenous; native, natal; autochthonal[obs3], autochthonous; British; English; American[obs3]; Canadian, Irish, Scotch, Scottish, Welsh; domestic; domiciliated[obs3], domiciled; naturalized, vernacular, domesticated; domiciliary. in the occupation of; garrisoned by, occupied by.

      <—1. Bishop Wilkins. —>

      <—p. 57—>

      #189. [Place of habitation, or resort.] Abode.— N. abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quarters, headquarters, resiance|, tabernacle, throne, ark. home, fatherland; country; homestead, homestall[obs3]; fireside; hearth, hearth stone; chimney corner, inglenook, ingle side; harem, seraglio, zenana[obs3]; household gods, lares et penates[Lat], roof, household, housing, dulce domum[Lat], paternal domicile; native soil, native land. habitat, range, stamping ground; haunt, hangout; biosphere; environment, ecological niche. nest, nidus, snuggery[obs3]; arbor, bower, &c. 191; lair, den, cave, hole, hiding place, cell, sanctum sanctorum[Lat], aerie, eyrie, eyry[obs3], rookery, hive; covert, resort, retreat, perch, roost; nidification; kala jagah[obs3]. bivouac, camp, encampment, cantonment, castrametation[obs3]; barrack, casemate[obs3],

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