Roget's Thesaurus. Peter Mark Roget

Roget's Thesaurus - Peter Mark Roget

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pelerine[obs3]; barbe[obs3], chudder[obs3], jubbah[obs3], oilskins, pajamas, pilot jacket, talma jacket[obs3], vest, jerkin, waistcoat, doublet, camisole, gabardine; farthingale, kilt, jupe[obs3], crinoline, bustle, panier, skirt, apron, pinafore; bloomer, bloomers; chaqueta[obs3], songtag[Ger], tablier[obs3]. pants, trousers, trowsers[obs3]; breeches, pantaloons, inexpressibles|!, overalls, smalls, small clothes; shintiyan|!; shorts, jockey shorts, boxer shorts; tights, drawers, panties, unmentionables; knickers, knickerbockers; philibeg[obs3], fillibeg[obs3]; pants suit; culottes; jeans, blue jeans, dungarees, denims. [brand names for jeans] Levis, Calvin Klein, Calvins, Bonjour, Gloria Vanderbilt. headdress, headgear; chapeau[Fr], crush hat, opera hat; kaffiyeh; sombrero, jam, tam-o-shanter, tarboosh[obs3], topi, sola topi[Lat], pagri[obs3], puggaree[obs3]; cap, hat, beaver hat, coonskin cap; castor, bonnet, tile, wideawake, billycock[obs3], wimple; nightcap, mobcap[obs3], skullcap; hood, coif; capote[obs3], calash; kerchief, snood, babushka; head, coiffure; crown &c. (circle) 247; chignon, pelt, wig, front, peruke, periwig, caftan, turban, fez, shako, csako[obs3], busby; kepi[obs3], forage cap, bearskin; baseball cap; fishing hat; helmet &c. 717; mask, domino. body clothes; linen; hickory shirt [U.S.]; shirt, sark[obs3], smock, shift, chemise; night gown, negligee, dressing gown, night shirt; bedgown[obs3], sac de nuit[Fr]. underclothes [underclothing], underpants, undershirt; slip [for women], brassiere, corset, stays, corsage, corset, corselet, bodice, girdle &c. (circle) 247; stomacher; petticoat, panties; under waistcoat; jock [for men], athletic supporter, jockstrap. sweater, jersey; cardigan; turtleneck, pullover; sweater vest. neckerchief, neckcloth[obs3]; tie, ruff, collar, cravat, stock, handkerchief, scarf; bib, tucker; boa; cummerbund, rumal[obs3], rabat[obs3]. shoe, pump, boot, slipper, sandal, galoche[obs3], galoshes, patten, clog; sneakers, running shoes, hiking boots; high-low; Blucher boot, wellington boot, Hessian boot, jack boot, top boot; Balmoral[obs3]; arctics, bootee, bootikin[obs3], brogan, chaparajos[obs3]; chavar[obs3], chivarras[obs3], chivarros[obs3]; gums [U.S.], larrigan [obs3][N. Am.], rubbers, showshoe, stogy[obs3], veldtschoen[Ger], legging, buskin, greave[obs3], galligaskin[obs3], gamache[obs3], gamashes[obs3], moccasin, gambado, gaiter, spatterdash[obs3], brogue, antigropelos[obs3]; stocking, hose, gaskins[obs3], trunk hose, sock; hosiery. glove, gauntlet, mitten, cuff, wristband, sleeve. swaddling cloth, baby linen, layette; ice wool; taffeta. pocket handkerchief, hanky[obs3], hankie. clothier, tailor, milliner, costumier, sempstress[obs3], snip; dressmaker, habitmaker[obs3], breechesmaker[obs3], shoemaker; Crispin; friseur[Fr]; cordwainer[obs3], cobbler, hosier[obs3], hatter; draper, linen draper, haberdasher, mercer. [underpants for babies] diaper, nappy[obs3][Brit]; disposable diaper, cloth diaper; Luvs[brand names for diapers], Huggies. V. invest; cover &c. 223; envelope, lap, involve; inwrap[obs3], enwrap; wrap; fold up, wrap up, lap up, muffle up; overlap; sheath, swathe, swaddle, roll up in, circumvest. vest, clothe, array, dress, dight[obs3], drape, robe, enrobe, attire, apparel, accounter[obs3], rig, fit out; deck &c. (ornament) 847; perk, equip, harness, caparison. wear; don; put on, huddle on, slip on; mantle. Adj. invested &c. v.; habited; dighted[obs3]; barbed, barded; clad, costume, shod, chausse[Fr]; en grande tenue &c. (show) 882[Fr]. sartorial. Phr. "the soul of this man is his clothes" [All's Well].

      <—p. 69—>

      #226. Divestment. — N. divestment; taking off &c. v.. nudity; bareness &c. adj.; undress; dishabille &c. 225; the altogether; nudation[obs3], denudation; decortication, depilation, excoriation, desquamation; molting; exfoliation; trichosis[Med]. V. divest; uncover &c. (cover &c. 223); denude, bare, strip; disfurnish[obs3]; undress, disrobe &c. (dress, enrobe &c. 225); uncoif[obs3]; dismantle; put off, take off, cast off; doff; peel, pare, decorticate, excoriate, skin, scalp, flay; expose, lay open; exfoliate, molt, mew; cast the skin. Adj. divested &c. v.; bare, naked, nude; undressed, undraped; denuded; exposed; in dishabille; bald, threadbare, ragged, callow, roofless. in a state of nature, in nature's garb, in the buff, in native buff, in birthday suit; in puris naturalibus[Lat]; with nothing on, stark naked, stark raving naked [joc.]; bald as a coot, bare as the back of one's hand; out at elbows; barefoot; bareback, barebacked; leafless, napless[obs3], hairless.

      #227. Circumjacence. — N. circumjacence[obs3], circumambience[obs3]; environment, encompassment; atmosphere, medium, surroundings. outpost; border &c. (edge) 231; girdle &c. (circumference) 230; outskirts, boulebards, suburbs, purlieus, precincts, faubourgs[obs3], environs, entourage, banlieue[obs3]; neighborhood, vicinage, vicinity. V. lie around &c. adv.; surround, beset, compass, encompass, environ, inclose, enclose, encircle, embrace, circumvent, lap, gird; belt; begird, engird[obs3]; skirt, twine round; hem in &c. (circumscribe) 229. Adj. circumjacent, circumambient[obs3], circumfluent[obs3]; ambient; surrounding &c. v.; circumferential, suburban. Adv. around, about; without; on every side; on all sides; right and left, all round, round about.

      #228. Interposition. — N. interposition, interjacence[obs3], intercurrence[obs3], intervenience[obs3], interlocation[obs3], interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation. [interposition at a fine-grained level] interpenetration; permeation; infiltration. [interposition by one person in another's affairs, at the intervenor's initiative] intervention, interference; intrusion, obtrusion; insinuation. insertion &c. 300; dovetailing; embolism. intermediary, intermedium[obs3]; go between, bodkin|!, intruder, interloper; parenthesis, episode, flyleaf. partition, septum, diaphragm; midriff; dissepiment[obs3]; party wall, panel, room divider. halfway house. V. lie between, come between, get between; intervene, slide in, interpenetrate, permeate. put between, introduce, import, throw in, wedge in, edge in, jam in, worm in, foist in, run in, plow in, work in; interpose, interject, intercalate, interpolate, interline, interleave, intersperse, interweave, interlard, interdigitate, sandwich in, fit in, squeeze in; let in, dovetail, splice, mortise; insinuate, smuggle; infiltrate, ingrain. interfere, put in an oar, thrust one's nose in; intrude, obtrude; have a finger in the pie; introduce the thin end of the wedge; thrust in &c. (insert) 300. Adj. interjacent[obs3], intercurrent[obs3], intervenient[obs3], intervening &c. v., intermediate, intermediary, intercalary, interstitial; embolismal[obs3]. parenthetical, episodic; mediterranean; intrusive; embosomed[obs3]; merged. Adv. between, betwixt; twixt; among, amongst; amid, amidst; mid, midst; in the thick of; betwixt and between; sandwich-wise; parenthetically, obiter dictum.

      <—p. 70—>

      #229. Circumscription. — N. circumscription, limitation, inclosure; confinement &c. (restraint) 751; circumvallation[obs3]; encincture; envelope &c. 232. container (receptacle) 191. V. circumscribe, limit, bound, confine, inclose; surround &c. 227; compass about; imprison &c. (restrain) 751; hedge in, wall in, rail in; fence round, fence in, hedge round; picket; corral. enfold, bury, encase, incase[obs3], pack up, enshrine, inclasp[obs3]; wrap up &c. (invest) 225; embay[obs3], embosom[obs3]. containment (inclusion) 76. Adj. circumscribed &c. v.; begirt[obs3], lapt[obs3]; buried in, immersed in; embosomed[obs3], in the bosom of, imbedded, encysted, mewed up; imprisoned &c. 751; landlocked, in a ring fence.

      #230. Outline. — N. outline, circumference; perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, lines tournure[obs3], contour, profile, silhouette; bounds; coast line. zone, belt, girth, band, baldric, zodiac, girdle, tyre[Brit], cingle[obs3], clasp, girt; cordon &c. (inclosure) 232; circlet, &c. 247..

      #231. Edge. — N. edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, margin, border,

       confine, skirt, rim, flange, side, mouth; jaws, chops, chaps, fauces; lip,


       threshold, door, porch; portal &c. (opening) 260; coast, shore.

       frame, fringe, flounce, frill, list, trimming, edging, skirting, hem,

       selvedge, welt, furbelow, valance, gimp.

       Adj. border, marginal, skirting; labial, labiated[obs3],


      #232. Inclosure. — N. inclosure, envelope; case &c. (receptacle) 191;

       wrapper; girdle &c. 230.

       pen, fold; pen fold, in fold, sheep fold; paddock, pound; corral;

       yard; net, seine net.

       wall, hedge, hedge row; espalier; fence &c. (defense) 717; pale,

       paling, balustrade, rail, railing, quickset hedge, park paling,

       circumvallation[obs3], enceinte,

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