Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors. James Freeman Clarke
James Freeman Clarke
Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066103231
Table of Contents
Chapter II. The Principle And Idea Of Orthodoxy Stated And. Examined.
§ 1. The Principle of Orthodoxy defined.
§ 2. Logical Genesis of the Principle of Orthodoxy.
§ 3. Orthodoxy assumed to be the Belief of the Majority.
§ 4. Heterodoxy thus becomes sinful.
§ 5. The Doctrine of Essentials and Non-essentials leads. to Rome.
§ 6. Fallacy in this Orthodox Argument.
§ 7. The three Tendencies in the Church.
§ 9. The Party of Emotion in Christianity.
§ 10. The Faith Party in Religion.
§ 11. Truth in the Orthodox Idea.
§ 12. Error in the Orthodox Principle.
§ 13. Faith, Knowledge, Belief, Opinion.
§ 1. Meaning of Natural and Supernatural.
§ 2. The Creation Supernatural.
§ 4. Argument of the Supernaturalist from successive Geologic. Creations.
§ 5. Supernatural Argument from Human Freedom.
§ 6. Supernatural Events not necessarily Violations of. Law.
§ 7. Life and History contain Supernatural Events.
§ 8. The Error of Orthodox Supernaturalism.
§ 9. No Conflict between Naturalism and Supernaturalism.
§ 10. Further Errors of Orthodox Supernaturalism—Gulf. between Christianity and all other Religions.
Chapter IV. Truths And Errors As Regards Miracles.
§ 1. The Subject stated. Four Questions concerning Miracles.
§ 2. The Definition of a Miracle.
§ 3. The different Explanations of the Miracles of the Bible.
§ 4. Criticism on these Different Views of Miracles.
§ 5. Miracles no Proof of Christianity.
§ 6. But Orthodoxy is right in maintaining their Reality as. Historic Facts.
§ 7. Analogy with other Similar Events recorded in History.
§ 8. Miracle of the Resurrection. Sceptical Objections.
§ 9. Final Result of this Examination.
Chapter V. Orthodox Idea Of The Inspiration And Authority Of. The Bible.
§ 1. Subject of this Chapter. Three Views concerning the. Bible.
§ 2. The Difficulty. Antiquity of the World, and Age of. Mankind.
§ 3. Basis of the Orthodox Theory of Inspiration.
§ 4. Inspiration in general, or Natural Inspiration.
§ 5. Christian or Supernatural Inspiration.
§ 6. Inspiration of the Scriptures, especially of the New. Testament Scriptures.
§ 7. Authority of the Scriptures.
§ 8. The Christian Prepossession.