Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors. James Freeman Clarke
9. Conclusion.
Chapter VI. Orthodox Idea Of Sin, As Depravity And As Guilt.
§ 3. Orthodox and Liberal View of Man, as morally diseased. or otherwise.
§ 5. Doctrine of the Fall in Adam, and Natural Depravity.. Their Truth and Error.
§ 6. Examination of Romans, 5:12-21.
§ 7. Orthodox View of Total Depravity and Inability.
§ 9. Truth in the Doctrine of Total Depravity.
§ 11. Orthodox Doctrine of Inability.
§ 12. Some further Features of Orthodox Theology concerning. Human Sinfulness.
Chapter VII. Conversion And Regeneration.
§ 1. Orthodoxy recognizes only two Conditions in which Man. can be found.
§ 4. Its Reality and Importance.
§ 5. Is it the Work of God, or of the Man himself? Orthodox. Difficulty.
§ 6. Solved by the Distinction between Conversion and Regeneration.
§ 7. Men may be divided, religiously, into three Classes, not. two.
§ 8. Difference between Conversion and Regeneration.
§ 9. Unsatisfactory Attitude of the Orthodox Church.
§ 12. Evidences of Regeneration.
Chapter VIII. The Orthodox Idea Of The Son Of God.
§ 1. Orthodox Doctrine stated.
§ 2. This Doctrine gradually developed.
§ 4. Substantial Truth in this Doctrine.
§ 5. Formal Error of the Orthodox Statement.
§ 6. Errors of Arianism and Naturalism.
Chapter IX. Justification By Faith.
§ 1. This Doctrine of Paul not obsolete.
§ 2. Its Meaning and Importance.
§ 3. Need of Justification for the Conscience.
§ 4. Reaction of Sin on the Soul.
§ 5. Different Methods of obtaining Forgiveness.
§ 8. Its History in the Church.
§ 9. Orthodox Errors, at the present Time, in Regard to Justification. by Faith.
§ 10. Errors of Liberal Christians.
Chapter X. Orthodox Idea Of The Atonement.
§ 1. Confusion in the Orthodox Statement.
§ 2. Great Importance attributed to this Doctrine.
§ 3. Stress laid on the Death of Jesus in the Scripture.