Poetry. John Skelton
id="ulink_b333293c-6fab-553e-bcc2-1bf963afde4f">[409] Philistion] Marshe’s ed. “Philiston.”
[410] elect] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “clere.”
[411] ornatly] Other eds. “ordinately.”
[412] told] Other eds. “is tolde.”
[413] No] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Ne.”
[414] Flos volucrum, &c.] So these lines (each one cut into two) are given in the eds.
[415] eras] Eds. “eris.”
[416] goodly] Other eds. “godly.”
[417] it to] Qy. “to it?”
[418] all] Other eds. “all the.”
[419] To] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Bo.”
[420] an] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “a.”
[421] swarte] So Marshe’s ed. Other eds. “wart” and “warte.”
[422] longe] Other eds. “longes.”
[423] foule] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “feule.”
[424] displeasaunte] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “displseaunt.”
[425] To] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Bo.”
[426] be] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “me.”
[427] goodly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “godly.”
[428] goodly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “gooly.”
[429] domina] Eds. “domine,” but afterwards, in similar passages, v. 1061, 1114, “domina.”
[430] Her] Qy. “The?”
[431] all with] Other eds. “with al.”
[432] on] Marshe’s ed. “to.”
[433] The] Qy. “Her?”
[434] columbine] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “calumbyn.”
[435] The] Eds. “This.”
[436] [For]] Compare vv. 989, 1022, 1083, 1107, &c.
[437] Enhached] The editor of 1736 chose to print “Enchased.”
[438] goodly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “godly.”
[439] salutatione tua] Eds. “salutare tuum” and “salutate tuum.”
[440] babæ] Eds. “ba ba.”
[441] haue] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “heue.”
[442] This] Other eds. “The.”
[443] sint] Other eds. “sunt.”
[444] the] Not in other eds.
[445] goodly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “godly.”
[446] This] Eds. “The:” but see the frequent repetition of the passage.
[447] properly] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “propeeyly.”
[448] For] Not in other eds.
[449] nor] Other eds. “or.”
[450] For this] Other eds. “The.”
[451] This] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “Thus.”
[452] star] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “stare.”
[453] [For]] See note, ante, p. 83.
[454] this] Other eds. “the.”
[455] pilgrimage] Marshe’s ed. “pilgrimages.”
[456] stalkynge] So other eds. Kele’s ed. “stalke.”
[457] haue] Not in Marshe’s ed.
[458] vatem] Eds. “latem.”
[459] cecini] Eds. “pocecini.”