Ashton-Kirk, Investigator. John T. McIntyre
regarded it with great satisfaction.
"Here,"said he, "we at least have a possible motive."
Ashton-Kirk took a twisted walking stick from a rack, and with the end of it, raised the slashed canvas so that its subject could be seen. It was a heroic equestrian figure of an officer of the American Revolution. His sword was drawn; his face shone with the light of battle.
Pendleton was just about to cry out "General Wayne,"when the stick fell from his friend's hand, the canvas dropping to its former position. While the others were trying to get it into place once more, Ashton-Kirk whispered to Pendleton:
"Say nothing. This is their turn; let them work in their own way. I will begin where they have finished."
After a little time spent in a gratified inspection of the painting, Stillman said:
"But, gentlemen, let us have a look at the other rooms. There may be something more."
They re-passed through the store room and into the living room. Nothing here took the coroner's attention, and they entered the bedroom. Both these last had doors leading into the hall; upon their being tried they were found to be locked.
The smashed pictures upon the bedroom floor at once took the eye of Stillman. He regarded the broken places in the plaster and prodded the slivers of wood and glass with the toe of his shoe with much complacency.
"This completes the story,"declared he. "It is now plain from end to end. The criminal entered the building from the roof, made his way down stairs and gained admittance through the door which the scrub woman found unlocked. His purpose was to steal the painting in the front room.
"In a struggle with Hume, who unexpectedly came upon him, the intruder killed him. Not knowing the exact location of the picture he wanted, he first looked for it here. The light probably being bad he tore down every picture he could reach in order to get a better view of it. When, at last, he had found the desired work, he set about cutting it from its frame. But, before he had finished, something alarmed him, and he fled without the prize."
The stolid man listened to this with marked approval. Even Osborne reluctantly whispered to Pendleton:
"He's doped it out. I didn't think it was in him."
After a little more, the coroner said to his clerk:
"I think that is about all. Curran, see to it that the post-mortem is not delayed. Put a couple of our men on the case, have them make extensive inquiries in the neighborhood. Any persons who appear to possess information may be brought to my office at three o'clock. Especially I desire to see this Mrs. Dwyer, Berg, who keeps the store on the ground floor and the young man who was employed by Hume. I'll empanel a jury later."He took off his eye-glasses, placed them in a case and, in turn, carefully slipped this into his pocket. "At three o'clock,"he repeated.
"If I should not be intruding,"said Ashton-Kirk, "I should like to be present."
Stillman smiled with the air of a man triumphant, but who still desired to show charity.
"I shall be pleased to see you, sir,"he said, "then or at any other time."
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