The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government
she wanted to come to America. I say this for a lot of little things that happened—that Marina wanted to come to America. Maybe she loved him. I am sure she did, anyway. She said that she did.
Mr. Rankin. I am not clear about this being ordered to marry her. You don't mean that your son didn't love her.
Mrs. Oswald. Well, I could mean that—if he is an agent, and he has a girl friend, and it is to the benefit of the country that he marry this girl friend, and the Embassy helped him get this Russian girl out of Russia—let's face it, well, whether he loved her or not, he would take her to America, if that would give him contact with Russians, yes, sir.
Mr. Rankin. Is that what you mean?
Mrs. Oswald. I would say that.
Mr. Rankin. And you don't think it was because your son loved her, then?
Mrs. Oswald. I do not know whether my son loved her or not. But I am telling you why he would do this—in 5-weeks time. Now, you have a 5-week period in here.
Mr. Rankin. I understand that. But I think it is a very serious thing to say about your son, that he would do a thing like that to a girl.
Mrs. Oswald. No, sir, it is not a serious thing. I know a little about the CIA, and so on, the U-2, Powers, and things that have been made public. They go through any extreme for their country. I do not think that would be serious for him to marry a Russian girl and bring her here, so he would have contact. I think that is all part of an agent's duty.
Mr. Rankin. You think your son was capable of doing that?
Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir, I think my son was an agent. I certainly do.
Mr. Rankin. Have you got anything more that caused you to think he was an agent?
Mrs. Oswald. Yes, I have things that have been coming out in the paper. And I am not the only one that thinks my son is an agent. There has been many, many publications questioning whether Lee was an agent or not because of circumstances, and so on, and so forth, through the newspapers.
Mr. Rankin. That is newspaper accounts you are talking about now?
Mrs. Oswald. Yes. And as I said about the FBI.
Mr. Rankin. What about your own knowledge?
Mrs. Oswald. Well, that is why I wanted to go into the story. I wouldn't have become emotionally upset had I started in sequence.
I told you about him not wanting me to see that program. And then the letters. There is so much. About him being an agent—all of his correspondence with the Embassy in Moscow. I have the letters in the hotel. One of the letters states that the Russians cannot hold you—"the Russians cannot hold you. You are an American citizen. You are not a bona fide Russian resident." We have the letters. You have a copy of the letter, Mr. Rankin.
And "if you will show this letter to the Russians, they cannot hold you in Minsk."
Mr. Rankin. They would say that about you if you were over there, or anyone.
Mrs. Oswald. The point I am trying to bring there is Lee has always been an American citizen—according to all of my papers from the State Department.
Mr. Rankin. Yes.
Mrs. Oswald. And they would say that about anyone—all right, I will grant you that. You are probably right.
Mr. Rankin. So that doesn't prove he is an agent, that I can see.
Now, how do you feel it shows he was an agent?
Mrs. Oswald. Because he has the sanction of the American Embassy all through this affair.
Mr. Rankin. They would give that to any of us.
Mrs. Oswald. All right—so you are telling me that. But this man is married to a Russian girl, and does come back within a short time, and could have come back sooner. It was the lack of money. And that is another thing.
The State Department repeatedly kept writing me, and I have the letters, for the money. I have copies of my letters also. I could not raise the money. I said I had a '54 Buick car, and all I could get a loan on was $250. They wrote back and said could you ask some friends, or do you have any relatives—800 and some odd dollars they needed. And I went to 12 very prominent people in Vernon, Tex.—one who is a very respected citizen that they recommended me to go, who has a citizen award. And I felt very confident maybe he would help me. I told him that my son, who was a very young man, who was an American citizen, is trying to get back to the United States, but there is lack of money, and if he knew of any way possible he could help me.
He said "You mean he is a defector?" I said, "Possibly so. The paper has said he was a defector." And he said, "Well, I am sorry, Mrs. Oswald, but these boys that are in the service and defect, I don't have any use for."
And I said, "Do you go to church, sir?" He said, "Yes, I do." And I said, "Probably you go to church to put your hat on. Because here is a boy. Let's say he has made a mistake. He has gone to Russia. But let's say he realizes now he has made a mistake, and he wants to come back. Are you telling me you won't help him?"
"That is what I am telling you, Mrs. Oswald. I don't have any use for anybody." Which Senator Tower said that he would not help Lee—made it public. These are nice people saying this. I say the ones who are down and out are the ones that need the help. This boy was a young boy. Let's say he is not an agent. Let's say he defected to Russia. Yet he wants to come back. He deserved a helping hand. I went to 12 people. I did not beg. But I presented my case. And not a one offered to help.
Mr. Rankin. Didn't you understand that the State Department had to try to find out if they could—or you or your son could get the money from other sources before they could advance the money?
Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir, I understand that. I am trying to tell you that I tried awfully hard, but with no success.
Mr. Rankin. So they were just trying to do their duty in that regard, were they not?
Mrs. Oswald. It could be, yes. It could be.
Mr. Rankin. You don't think that makes him an agent, just because they asked you——
Mrs. Oswald. I think—well, as you say, they would probably help anyone. And then again, because he is married to a Russian girl, and because all these documents and everything are handled through the U.S. Embassy. And because of my trip to Washington—which was red carpet treatment. Let's say, gentlemen, if a woman gets on the phone at 9 o'clock and has an appointment at 11 o'clock with three big men, that is wonderful treatment.
Now, they probably would do that to anybody. I don't know.
Mr. Rankin. They might have done that——
Mrs. Oswald. I haven't been that fortunate before.
Mr. Rankin. Well, that shouldn't be held against them that they treated you nicely.
Mrs. Oswald. No, I have told you, Mr. Rankin, they were most gracious to me. The Administration was most gracious to me.
Mr. Rankin. I don't see why you should think that because they treated you nicely, that was any sign he was an agent.
Mrs. Oswald. Well, maybe you don't see why. But this is my son. And this is the way I think, because I happen to know all of the other things that you don't know—the life and everything. I happen to think this. And this is my privilege to think this way. And I can almost back it up with these things.
This is a stranger to you folks. But this is a boy I have known from a child.
Mr. Rankin. How much money do you think, he received for being an agent?
Mrs. Oswald. That I do not know.
Mr. Rankin. You have no idea?
Mrs. Oswald. But I do know this, and I have stated this. I have approximately 900 and some odd dollars. And I lost my job. That can be proven. I was a nurse on the 3 to 11 shift, working in a rest home, for a very wealthy woman. And it would have been at least a year, a year and a half case. She is not that bad off. She is just an