The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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financial status at the period of time when he was immediately—right at the time he was discharged from the Marines?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I did not. I do not remember one.

      Mr. Jenner. So that up to November 22, 1963, there was never any discussion in which you participated or which you overheard on that subject?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Now, with respect to the remaining series of letters, were you ever advised while your brother Lee was in Russia how much money he was given or earned?

      Mr. Oswald. While he was——

      Mr. Jenner. Or he received?

      Mr. Oswald. While he was in Russia employed?

      Mr. Jenner. While he was in Russia.

      Mr. Oswald. While he was in Russia.

      Mr. Jenner. Either from his employment or by gift.

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; there is a reply in one of these letters that I received from Lee from Russia stating how much he was making while employed in Russia.

      Mr. Jenner. The letter will, of course, be the best evidence of that. Did he say it in terms of dollars or in terms of rubles, what is your recollection?

      Mr. Oswald. In both, sir. I believe he stated it in the words rubles and in parentheses in the amount of American dollars.

      Mr. Jenner. I see, we will find that out.

      Mr. Oswald. And I believe on a monthly basis.

      Mr. Jenner. Did he ever write you as to whether he had received any money by way of gift from any agency in Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir.

      Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Jenner, I respectfully submit that the letters themselves would be the best evidence.

      Mr. Jenner. You are undoubtedly correct and I will desist.

      Did you have any discussion with him on that subject after he returned from Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir, I did not.

      Mr. Jenner. Or on the subject of his earnings in Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. None that I recall, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Did you receive any packages or gifts from Russia while your brother was there?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I did.

      Mr. Jenner. What did you receive?

      Mr. Oswald. Well——

      Mr. Jenner. And give the approximate times.

      Mr. Oswald. There again, sir, there is a letter from Lee in Russia stating that he had sent a gift or gifts to us at my residence in Fort Worth, Tex. I recall that on two occasions we received gifts from Russia at my address in Fort Worth, Tex. I believe the first one consisted of Russian cigarettes, Russian candy, six place mats or six napkins that Marina had embroidered herself.

      Mr. McKenzie. Or at least what they told you Marina had embroidered.

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir. And also a Russian wooden doll, the type that pops open in the middle and has a smaller doll on the inside and so forth down the line until you end up with one approximately an inch high from one originating from one six or seven inches high. That was the first package that I recall receiving from Lee and his wife while they were in Russia.

      Mr. Jenner. Approximately when was that?

      Mr. Oswald. Prior to Christmas of 1961.

      Mr. Jenner. There was a second occasion when you received a package?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, that is correct.

      Mr. Jenner. What was that?

      Mr. Oswald. This was closer to Christmas of 1961.

      Mr. Jenner. And it contained what?

      Mr. Oswald. It contained one Russian children's book.

      Mr. Jenner. In the Russian language or in English?

      Mr. Oswald. In the Russian language, sir, and going by the cover of the book and as you open the book in the center section, a Russian rocket ship would unfold and be standing in the launch position, and was quite evident by the pictures, at least in the book, that this was a book for Russian children depicting the Russian efforts toward their space program.

      Mr. Jenner. Do you still have that book?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I do. And there was also another children's book, and I believe this package only consisted of a present for Cathy Marie Oswald for Christmas, 1961 from her aunt and uncle, Lee and Marina.

      Mr. Jenner. A child's gift?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, and the second book was a child's coloring book, a Russian coloring book.

      Mr. Jenner. Does that exhaust your recollection as to gifts you received from them or from Lee while they were in Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, it does.

      Mr. Jenner. Did he ever send you a pair of boots?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir, he did not. And I might add we also still have the child's coloring book that was received at that time for Christmas, 1961.

      Mr. Jenner. All right, sir.

      Now, would you please relate to us everything that your brother Lee told you about hunting in Russia?

      Mr. McKenzie. You mean other than in correspondence?

      Mr. Jenner. I mean other than by the correspondence. I should precede that by the question did you have any conversation with him about hunting in Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir, I did.

      Mr. Jenner. And that occurred after he returned to the United States?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Fix the approximate date.

      Mr. Oswald. Approximately the latter part of June, 1962.

      Mr. Jenner. While he was residing in your home?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. What did he say? Excuse me, this occurred in your home?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; it did.

      Mr. Jenner. Was anyone present other than yourself and your brother?

      Mr. Oswald. Perhaps Marina and my wife Vada. As I best remember the conversation, since our interest in hunting was mutual, that he had on two or three occasions gone bird hunting or duck hunting and that he had killed some birds and some ducks on two or three of these occasions that he had gone in, that he had only used a shotgun, that they were not allowed to have a rifle.

      Mr. Jenner. Was there any discussion of that subject matter on any other occasion prior to November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. I believe in his letters——

      Mr. Jenner. No, discussions.

      Mr. Oswald. Pardon me, no, sir; there was not, not that I recall.

      Mr. Jenner. Did you have any discussion with him during the period from his return in June of 1962 up to November 22, 1963, of his membership in a gun club while he was in Russia?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I did not.

      Mr. Jenner. Did any discussion occur between you as to his membership in any other group while he was in Russia, whether it was a gun club, a social club, a labor union or otherwise?

      Mr. Oswald. None that I recall, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. In one of the letters, your brother Lee asked you whether, to check to see if, the United States had any, lodged any charges against him.

      Do you recall that?

      Mr. Oswald. Briefly, yes, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. What did you do when he made

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