Talking to the stars. Elena García Pérez
Talking to the stars
Elena García Pérez
© Talking to the stars
© Elena García Pérez
Translated from Spanish to English by Isabel Fernández Mellado.
Edited by Tregolam (España)
©Tregolam (
Calle Colegiata,6, bajo –
28012 Madrid
All rights reserved.
Cover page designed by: © JACQUES BARRIAC Illustrator: © JACQUES BARRIAC
1st edition: 2021
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Talking to the stars, is a book made for you since you are a researcher who needs to know new and enriching things.
I know that many times you have felt alone in the middle of the night and that you have looked at the sky to speak to the stars and ask them to help you find a friend who understood you and helped you find the real meaning of life. Your desires became vibrations and they ran a whole cosmic space until you reach the planet Galappar where your new friend Pipilet Mandala lives.
Pipilet Mandala is a humanoid snail that has come to Earth as a “Universal Correspondent.” Through the different dialogues held with her friend Elena and her family you will learn new concepts about: life, friendship, the chakras, the aura, the Planet Galappar, the stars... At the same time, you will share with him his new sensations and earthly knowledge: gastronomy, football, fear, nervousness... making you a participant at the same time.
Pipilet in this book, will give you the basis for you to continue investigating the enigmas of life later.
“The silence invokes communication
with my deep within.”
Elena García Pérez
This book is dedicated to that inner child who is in each of us (either latent or asleep) and who has no age and lives in whichever part of this beautiful planet, to be a researcher of their own reality searching and finding the riddles of life, while participating in the construction of a new world without borders and without divisions between brothers and sisters.
Elena García Pérez
Today, on the planet Galappar, it was not an ordinary day, Pipilet Mandala had decided to make his trip to Earth to visit his friends with whom he has been communicating for more than two years.
After exposing his decision to his family, he began to prepare his luggage without forgetting any detail: interdimensional glasses, magnetic pendulum, cosmic map, protein cookies, vitamin candies and, of course, his guitar.
He had everything ready, he only had to embark on his Mandala spacecraft. These types of vehicles had been invented by his ancestors. Being the first anti-gravity spacecraft that were controlled by the brain and could fly through the galaxy.
The Mandala family had relied on the principles of Mandalas as activation of energy and deep meditation to raise awareness. All this knowledge was passed from generation to generation and hence Pipilet represents the outbreak of the wisdom of the unconscious.
After a trip full of adventures for a month and a half, Pipilet finally reached the Moon, from there he could see Earth.
He only had to decide on which continent he wanted to land on. He made this decision: “It must be Europe.”
Neither short nor lazy, he hurried towards a Spanish village where he would meet his friend Elena.
Elena was a fourteen-year-old girl who had just finished her course with good grades. She was happy, funny and restless to know and learn, she was curious about everything and, above all, about the phenomena that people called “strange or paranormal”, something that for her wasn’t; that is why since childhood, she was considered a weirdo, although she never looked different from the others.
Of course, she was misunderstood on many occasions, but she never really cared. Many of the questions she asked both her parents and her teachers never had answers: “But what are you saying?”, "You have a screw loose”, “That does not exist, come back to Earth for once and for all.” These were the typical responses she received from adults, if she received any.
She knew she was right, that it was just a matter of waiting and that her ideas and thoughts would come true. The moment was very close, without any doubt.
It was a sunny summer morning, and the Sun had just risen and promised a wonderful day. The alarm rang at half past seven, and Elena jumped to her feet, sensing that something big was going to happen to her, so she showered quickly, had her breakfast and decided to go jogging in the countryside.
After half an hour running, she stopped to breathe a little, lowered her head and when she took a breath she looked up at the sky and suddenly saw something that left her perplexed. What was that? She wondered.
A luminous object was approaching. As she got closer and closer, she came to see thousands of colours that intermingled with each other; Suddenly, she clearly perceived a form of mandala, so without knowing why she made an interconnection and said aloud: “My friend Pipilet Mandala is here.”
Pipilet landed his ship, turned it into a galactic mandala skate and decided to go meet Elena.
They met face to face, she recognised him immediately, he was a humanoid snail, full of love and colour.
There were no words from Pipilet since he could not speak, his communication was only through colours, sounds and telepathically. However, Elena did not have any problems knowing what Pipilet wanted to communicate at all moments.
Elena could not believe what she was living at that precise moment, her emotion was such that it exploded in a great cry of affection and tears of love began to run down her cheeks.
Pipilet approached her and hugged her. His bluish colour changed, now he was green. Elena couldn't believe what she was seeing: “Her friend was magical.”
“How did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“You just changed colour.”
“Of course, it is my form of communication too.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Don’t you know anything about the meaning of the colours?”
“Not much. Could you explain it to me, please?”
“But of course, my friend, on my planet we communicate our emotions to each other through colours.”
Yellow: Happiness,
Blue: Balance and Wisdom.
White: Optimism, Pureness.
Green: Hope, Trust, Peace.
Orange: Unity, Fraternity, Equality.
Red: Vitality, but it also expresses being alert and danger.
Pink: Love, Shyness, Kindness.
And Black: sadness