The Essential Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Essential Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.

      Alma 27:17

       17 Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea,

       he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting

       of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.

      Alma 27:18

       18 Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which

       none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of


      Alma 27:19

       19 Now the joy of Alma in meeting his brethren was truly great,

       and also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and Himni; but behold their

       joy was not that to exceed their strength.

      Alma 27:20

       20 And now it came to pass that Alma conducted his brethren back

       to the land of Zarahemla; even to his own house. And they went

       and told the chief judge all the things that had happened unto

       them in the land of Nephi, among their brethren, the Lamanites.

      Alma 27:21

       21 And it came to pass that the chief judge sent a proclamation

       throughout all the land, desiring the voice of the people

       concerning the admitting their brethren, who were the people of


      Alma 27:22

       22 And it came to pass that the voice of the people came,

       saying: Behold, we will give up the land of Jershon, which is on

       the east by the sea, which joins the land Bountiful, which is on

       the south of the land Bountiful; and this land Jershon is the

       land which we will give unto our brethren for an inheritance.

      Alma 27:23

       23 And behold, we will set our armies between the land Jershon

       and the land Nephi, that we may protect our brethren in the land

       Jershon; and this we do for our brethren, on account of their

       fear to take up arms against their brethren lest they should

       commit sin; and this their great fear came because of their sore

       repentance which they had, on account of their many murders and

       their awful wickedness.

      Alma 27:24

       24 And now behold, this will we do unto our brethren, that they

       may inherit the land Jershon; and we will guard them from their

       enemies with our armies, on condition that they will give us a

       portion of their substance to assist us that we may maintain our


      Alma 27:25

       25 Now, it came to pass that when Ammon had heard this, he

       returned to the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, and also Alma with

       him, into the wilderness, where they had pitched their tents, and

       made known unto them all these things. And Alma also related

       unto them his conversion, with Ammon and Aaron, and his brethren.

      Alma 27:26

       26 And it came to pass that it did cause great joy among them.

       And they went down into the land of Jershon, and took possession

       of the land of Jershon; and they were called by the Nephites the

       people of Ammon; therefore they were distinguished by that name

       ever after.

      Alma 27:27

       27 And they were among the people of Nephi, and also numbered

       among the people who were of the church of God. And they were

       also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards

       men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things;

       and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end.

      Alma 27:28

       28 And they did look upon shedding the blood of their brethren

       with the greatest abhorrence; and they never could be prevailed

       upon to take up arms against their brethren; and they never did

       look upon death with any degree of terror, for their hope and

       views of Christ and the resurrection; therefore, death was

       swallowed up to them by the victory of Christ over it.

      Alma 27:29

       29 Therefore, they would suffer death in the most aggravating

       and distressing manner which could be inflicted by their

       brethren, before they would take the sword or cimeter to smite


      Alma 27:30

       30 And thus they were a zealous and beloved people, a highly

       favored people of the Lord.

      Alma 28 Chapter 28

      Alma 28:1

       1 And now it came to pass that after the people of Ammon were

       established in the land of Jershon, and a church also established

       in the land of Jershon, and the armies of the Nephites were set

       round about the land of Jershon, yea, in all the borders round

       about the land of Zarahemla; behold the armies of the Lamanites

       had followed their brethren into the wilderness.

      Alma 28:2

       2 And thus there was a tremendous battle; yea, even such an one

       as never had been known among all the people in the land from the

       time Lehi left Jerusalem; yea, and tens of thousands of the

       Lamanites were slain and scattered abroad.

      Alma 28:3

       3 Yea, and also there was a tremendous slaughter among the

       people of Nephi; nevertheless, the Lamanites were driven and

       scattered, and the people of Nephi returned again to their land.

      Alma 28:4

       4 And now this was a time that there was a great mourning and

       lamentation heard throughout all the land, among all the people

       of Nephi—

      Alma 28:5

       5 Yea, the cry of widows mourning for their husbands, and also

       of fathers mourning for their sons, and the daughter for the

       brother, yea, the brother for the father; and thus the cry of

       mourning was heard among all of them, mourning for their kindred

       who had been slain.

      Alma 28:6

       6 And now surely this was a sorrowful day; yea, a time of

       solemnity, and a time of much fasting and prayer.

      Alma 28:7

       7 And thus endeth the fifteenth year of the reign of the judges

       over the people of Nephi;


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