The Essential Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Essential Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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to grow.

      Alma 32:31

       31 And now, behold, are ye sure that this is a good seed? I say

       unto you, Yea; for every seed bringeth forth unto its own


      Alma 32:32

       32 Therefore, if a seed groweth it is good, but if it groweth

       not, behold it is not good, therefore it is cast away.

      Alma 32:33

       33 And now, behold, because ye have tried the experiment, and

       planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to

       grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good.

      Alma 32:34

       34 And now, behold, is your knowledge perfect? Yea, your

       knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant;

       and this because ye know, for ye know that the word hath swelled

       your souls, and ye also know that it hath sprouted up, that your

       understanding doth begin to be enlightened, and your mind doth

       begin to expand.

      Alma 32:35

       35 O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is

       light; and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is

       discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now

       behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge


      Alma 32:36

       36 Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither must ye lay aside your

       faith, for ye have only exercised your faith to plant the seed

       that ye might try the experiment to know if the seed was good.

      Alma 32:37

       37 And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let

       us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may

       grow up, and bring forth fruit unto us. And now behold, if ye

       nourish it with much care it will get root, and grow up, and

       bring forth fruit.

      Alma 32:38

       38 But if ye neglect the tree, and take no thought for its

       nourishment, behold it will not get any root; and when the heat

       of the sun cometh and scorcheth it, because it hath no root it

       withers away, and ye pluck it up and cast it out.

      Alma 32:39

       39 Now, this is not because the seed was not good, neither is it

       because the fruit thereof would not be desirable; but it is

       because your ground is barren, and ye will not nourish the tree,

       therefore ye cannot have the fruit thereof.

      Alma 32:40

       40 And thus, if ye will not nourish the word, looking forward

       with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye can never pluck of

       the fruit of the tree of life.

      Alma 32:41

       41 But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree as it

       beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with

       patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take

       root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting


      Alma 32:42

       42 And because of your diligence and your faith and your

       patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in

       you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, which is

       most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which

       is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is

       pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are

       filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst.

      Alma 32:43

       43 Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith,

       and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for

       the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.

      Alma 33 Chapter 33

      Alma 33:1

       1 Now after Alma had spoken these words, they sent forth unto

       him desiring to know whether they should believe in one God, that

       they might obtain this fruit of which he had spoken, or how they

       should plant the seed, or the word of which he had spoken, which

       he said must be planted in their hearts; or in what manner they

       should begin to exercise their faith.

      Alma 33:2

       2 And Alma said unto them: Behold, ye have said that ye could

       not worship your God because ye are cast out of your synagogues.

       But behold, I say unto you, if ye suppose that ye cannot worship

       God, ye do greatly err, and ye ought to search the scriptures; if

       ye suppose that they have taught you this, ye do not understand


      Alma 33:3

       3 Do ye remember to have read what Zenos, the prophet of old,

       has said concerning prayer or worship?

      Alma 33:4

       4 For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my

       prayer, even when I was in the wilderness; yea, thou wast

       merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine enemies,

       and thou didst turn them to me.

      Alma 33:5

       5 Yea, O God, and thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto

       thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou

       didst hear me.

      Alma 33:6

       6 And again, O God, when I did turn to my house thou didst hear

       me in my prayer.

      Alma 33:7

       7 And when I did turn unto my closet, O Lord, and prayed unto

       thee, thou didst hear me.

      Alma 33:8

       8 Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto

       thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear


      Alma 33:9

       9 Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my

       cries in the midst of thy congregations.

      Alma 33:10

       10 Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out

       and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my

       cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit

       them in thine anger with speedy destruction.

      Alma 33:11


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