The Squatter and the Don. María Amparo Ruiz de Burton

The Squatter and the Don - María Amparo Ruiz de Burton

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azul,’ and he laughed again. I said to him, you take very coolly a matter that might be a question of our child's fate for life, but he only appeared amused at my anxiety. He said: ‘Don't borrow trouble; Clarence is a most excellent young fellow—bright, energetic and honorable. Don't bother them or yourself; if they feel true love they have a right to it. Trust him, he is all right.’ ”

      “But a squatter! The idea of an Alamar marrying a squatter! For squatters they are, though we dance with them,” Carlota said. “I am shocked at papa's partiality. I must say yes, mamma, send poor Mercita away.”

      “Yes; with all due respect to papa, I fear I will not be reconciled to the idea of Mercedes being a daughter-in-law of old Darrell,” Rosario said, with a shudder.

      “Neither could I,” added Carlota.

      And thus felt and thus reasoned these proud ladies in those days. For although the shadows of black clouds were falling all around, they had not observed them, or suspected their proximity; they held up their heads proudly.

      “And has Clarence the means of supporting a wife?” Rosario asked. “That is another question to be considered.”

      “I don't know. I heard he had made money in stocks, but I don't know how much,” Doña Josefa replied.

      “I have no faith in stocks,” said Carlota.

      “Let us not mention this to Mercedes yet. When Elvira returns we will consult with her,” Doña Josefa said.

      Nothing was said to Mercedes about her journey, but she was never allowed to see Clarence alone.

      Elvira returned, and the project mentioned to her. She, as a matter of course, was delighted at the prospect of having her favorite sister with her. The pain of leaving her home would be lessened in her company.

      A day or two after, when Elvira was alone in her room, Mercedes came in, looking rather pale, and letting herself drop into the first chair she came to, said:

      “What is this unexpected news about my going to New York with you?”

      “Good news, I think. Don't you like it?”

      “Certainly. But it is too sudden. Why hadn't mamma thought of it before?”

      “Because she did not think your health required any change.”

      “I tell you what, mamma alarms herself unnecessarily, and puts but poor reliance on me. I understand it all, but as a trip to New York is a most delightful medicine, I am willing to take it, and that she should consider my health in a precarious state.”

      “But you do look pale and thin, Mercita.”

      “Nonsense!” Mercedes exclaimed. “I have been keeping late hours, and dancing too much. If I go to bed early I shall get back my good color and flesh again. However, I am glad to play the invalid until I get on board the cars.”

      “Very well. I'll be alarmed for you, too, until we get off.”

      Mercedes laughed, and went to her room singing, but once there her gayety vanished. She locked her door, and threw herself on the bed, burying her face in her pillow to stifle her sobs.

      “Can anything tear his image from my heart? No. Nothing! nothing! They may send me away to the other end of the world, they shall not part us, for you will still fill my heart, my own darling, holding my very soul forever in full possession.”

      Mercedes, being not quite seventeen, her grief at parting from Clarence was wild, vehement and all-absorbing. But she had been trained to obedience, and her battles with the spirit always took place after she carefully locked her bedroom door. Then Clarence was wildly apostrophized, and a torrent of tears relieved the overcharged, aching heart.

      The day of departure arrived, and she had not had one minute's conversation alone with Clarence.

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