The American Housewife. Anonymous

The American Housewife - Anonymous

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111 331 Quince Jelly, 111 332 Apple Jelly, 111 333 Lemon Jelly, 112 334 Calf’s Feet Jelly, 112 335 Hartshorn Jelly, 113
336 Coffee, 113
337 Tea, 114
338 Chocolate, 114
339 Hop Beer, 114
340 Beer of Essential Oils, 115
341 Spring Beer, 115
342 Ginger Beer, 116
343 Instantaneous Beer, 116
344 Mixed Wine, 116
345 Currant Wine, 116
346 Grape Wine, 117
347 To mull Wine, 117
348 Quince Cordial, 117
349 Peach Cordial, 117
350 Smallage Cordial, 118
351 Currant Shrub, 118
352 Raspberry Shrub, 118
353 Lemon Shrub, 118
354 Sherbet, 119
355 Noyeau, 119
356 Mead, 119
357 Essence of Lemon, 119
358 Essence of Ginger, 120
359 Spice Brandy, 120
360 Rosewater, 120
361 To extract the Essential Oil of Flowers, 121
362 Perfumery Bags, 121
363 Cologne Water, 121
364 Lavender Water, 121
365 Aromatic Vinegar, 121

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366 Barley Water, 122
367 Rice Gruel, 122
368 Water Gruel, 122
369 Caudle, 122
370 Arrow Root Custards, 123
371 Wine Whey, 123
372 Stomachic Tincture, 123
373 Thoroughwort Bitters, 123
374 Cough Tea, 124
375 Beef Tea, 124