The New Education. Scott Nearing

The New Education - Scott Nearing

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1 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Total .. .. .. 8 219 416 329 171 102 26 3 .. 1 .. 1,275


      Theoretically, children in Springfield enter the school at six, and spend one year in each grade. If all of the children in the Springfield schools had lived up to this theory, there would be 1,275 eleven years of age, and 1,275 in the fifth grade. A glance at the table shows that only 131, or about 10 per cent of the children, are both eleven years of age and five years in the school. Among the 1,275 fifth-grade children, 389, or 31 per cent, have been in school five years, and 329, or 26 per cent, are eleven years of age.

      The superintendent follows this general table with other tables giving a more detailed analysis of over and under age pupils, and of rate of progress in school.

      Table 2

      Age and Progress Groups of Fifth-Grade Pupils in Springfield, December, 1911

Young Normal Over-age Total
No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent
Rapid 435 34 74 6 31 2 540 42
Normal 195 16 131 10 63 5 389 31
Slow 13 1 124 10 209 16 346 27
Total —— 643 —— 51 —— 329 —— 26 —— 303 —— 23 —— 1,275 —— 100

      The inferences from Table 2 are very clear. Of the 1,275 fifth-grade pupils, 435, or 34 per cent, are not only under-age for the grade, but they have progressed at more than normal speed. They are the exceptionally capable pupils of the grade. At the other extreme we find 209 children, or 16 per cent of all in the grade, who need special attention because they are both over-age and slow. Feeble-minded children rarely advance beyond the second grade; hence we know that none of these are feeble-minded, but among their number will be found many who will be little profited by the ordinary curriculum; 110 of them are already 12 years old, and 75 are 13 years old. A majority of them will, in all probability, drop out of school as soon as they reach the age of 14, unless prior to that time some new element of interest is introduced that will make a strong appeal; for example, some activity toward a vocation.

      A further study of the over-age column shows that 31 pupils, 2 per cent, are over-age, but they have reached their present position in less than usual time; while 63 of them, also over-age, have required the full five years to reach their present grade position. Unless by limiting the required work of these over-age pupils to the essentials, or by some administrative arrangement involving special grouping with relatively small numbers in a class, so that we can in the one case maintain, and in the other case bring about, accelerated progress, there is little likelihood that any large number will remain in school to complete the ninth grade, much less take a high school course; for four years hence their ages will range from 16 to 18 years. The 124 pupils who are of normal age, but slow, are also subjects for special attention, for they have repeated from one to three grades, or have failed to secure from two to six half-yearly promotions, and are in danger of acquiring the fatal habit of failure, if they have not already acquired it.

      The superintendent then goes on to emphasize the imperative duty resting on each principal, to examine and to understand the varying capacities of individual children in his school. Without such an understanding real educational progress cannot be made.

      This study is most illuminating. Nothing could more effectually show variation in individual children than the difference in one city grade of the most obvious of characteristics—age and progress in school. The infinitely greater variations in the subtle characteristics that distinguish children can be more readily guessed at than measured. Under these circumstances, the attempt to prepare studies for an “average child” is manifestly futile. The course may be organized, but it will hardly meet the needs of large numbers of the individual children who take it.

      VI Shall Child or Subject Matter Come First?

      The old education presupposed an average child, and then prepared a course of study which would fit his needs. The new education recognizes

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