Minor Poems of Michael Drayton. Drayton Michael

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton - Drayton Michael

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align="left"> 1618 Two Elegies in FitzGeoffrey's Satyrs and Epigrames. 1619 Collected Folio edition of Poems. 1620 Second edition of Elegies, and reprint of 1619 Poems. 1622 Polyolbion complete. 1627 Battle of Agincourt, Nymphidia, &c. 1630 Muses Elizium. Noah's Floud. Moses his Birth and Miracles. David and Goliah. 1631 Second edition of 1627 folio. Drayton dies towards the end of the year. 1636 Posthumous poem appeared in Annalia Dubrensia. 1637 Poems.

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      It is in the songs interspersed in the Eclogues that Drayton's best work at this time is to be found: already his metrical versatility is discernible; for though he doubtless remembered the many varieties of metre employed by Spenser in the Calendar, his verses already bear a stamp of their own. The long but impetuous lines, such as 'Trim up her golden tresses with Apollo's sacred tree', afford a striking contrast to the archaic romance-metre, derived from Sir Thopas and its fellows, which appears in Dowsabel, and it again to the melancholy, murmuring cadences of the lament for Elphin. It must, however, be confessed that certain of the songs in the 1593 edition were full of recondite conceits and laboured antitheses, and were rightly struck out, to be replaced by lovelier poems, in the edition of 1606. The song to Beta was printed in Englands Helicon, 1600; here, for the first time, appeared the song of Dead Love, and for the only time, Rowlands Madrigal. In these songs, Drayton offends least in grammar, always a weak point with him; in the body of the Eclogues, in the earlier Sonnets, in the Odes, occur the most extraordinary and perplexing inversions. Quite the most striking feature of the Eclogues, especially in their later form, is their bold attempt at greater realism, at a breaking-away from the conventional images and scenery.

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