Scottish Football Reminiscences and Sketches. David Drummond Bone

Scottish Football Reminiscences and Sketches - David Drummond Bone

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       J. C. Baird.

       J. M'Gregor.

       J. M'Dougall.

       The Great International of 1882.

       Andrew Watson (Queen's Park) .

       Peter Miller (Dumbarton) .

       E. Fraser (Queen's Park) .

       William Anderson (Queen's Park) .

       J. L. Kaye (Queen's Park) .

       R. M'Pherson (Arthurlie) .

       George Ker (Queen's Park) .

       W. Harrower (Queen's Park) .

       A Narrow Shave in the 1885 International.

       J. Macaulay (Dumbarton) .

       Walter Arnott (Queen's Park) .

       M. Paton (Dumbarton) .

       J. J. Gow (Queen's Park) .

       Alexander Hamilton (Queen's Park) .

       William Sellar (Queen's Park) .

       Joseph Lindsay (Dumbarton) .

       David S. Allan (Queen's Park) .

       R. Calderwood (Cartvale) .

       The Final Association Cup Tie of 1886.

       J. A. Lindsay.

       A. Hannah.

       A. M'Call.

       R. Kelso.

       D. M'Kechnie.

       J. Thomson.

       J. M'Call.

       A. Grant.

       A. M'Intyre.

       A. Barbour.

       J. Kelly.

       R. M. Christie.

       G. Somerville.

       J. A. Lambie.

       The Association International of 1887.

       J. Forbes (Vale of Leven) .

       L. Keir (Dumbarton) .

       J. Auld (3rd L.R.V.) .

       J. Marshall (3rd L.R.V.) .

       W. Robertson (Dumbarton) .

       J. Allan (Queen's Park) .

       Glasgow Charity Cup Final Tie of 1888.

       Mr. Dunn.

       J. Smith.

       Mr. M'Farlane.

       Mr. Russell.

       John Gourlay.

       A. Jackson.

       John Buchanan.

       James Buchanan.

       J. Plenderleith.

       G. Smith.

       James Gourlay.

       H. Campbell (Renton) .

       J. Harvey (Renton) .

       J. Campbell

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