Contemporary American Literature. John Matthews Manly
Happened to Jones. 1897.
The Man of the Hour. 1908.
Why Smith Left Home. 1912.
The Law of the Land. 1914.
Innocent. 1914.
Bought and Paid for. 1916.
For bibliography of unpublished plays, see Cambridge, III (IV), 773.
Alter Brody—poet.
Born in Russia, 1895, of a Russian-Jewish family. Came to New York when he was eight years old. Very little education. Translated for Jewish and American newspapers. His first poems appeared in The Seven Arts (cf. James Oppenheim).
His one book, A Family Album, 1918, is interesting for its realistic pictures of New York as seen through the temperament of a Russian Jew.
Studies and Reviews
Poetry, 14 (’19): 280.
See also Book Review Digest, 1918.
Charles (Stephen) Brooks—essayist.
Born in 1878. Graduate of Yale. Business man in Cleveland. Essay writing an avocation.
Journeys to Bagdad. 1915.
“There’s Pippins and Cheese to Come.” 1917.
Chimney-Pot Papers. 1919.
Luca Sarto. 1920. (Historical novel.)
Hints to Pilgrims. 1921.
Frightful Plays! 1922.
Studies and Reviews
Bookm. 47 (’18): 439 (portrait).
Nation, 109 (’19): 178.
Review, 2 (’20): 463.
See also Book Review Digest, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.
Van Wyck Brooks—critic.
Born at Plainfield, New Jersey, 1886. A. B., Harvard, 1907. Taught at Leland Stanford, 1911–3. With the Century Company since 1915.
The Wine of the Puritans. 1909.
The Malady of the Ideal. 1913.
John Addington Symonds—a Biographical Study. 1914.
The World of H. G. Wells. 1915.
America’s Coming-of-Age. 1915.
Letters and Leadership. 1918.
The Ordeal of Mark Twain. 1919.
The History of a Literary Radical; a Biography of Randolph Bourne, 1920.
Studies and Reviews
Bookm. 41 (’15): 132 (portrait); 52 (’21): 333.
Dial, 69 (’20): 293.
See also Book Review Digest, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920.
Heywood (Campbell) Broun—critic, essayist.
Born at Brooklyn, New York, 1888. Studied at Harvard, 1906–10. On Morning Telegraph, New York, 1908–9, 1911–12; New York Tribune, 1912–21. Now with New York World. War correspondent in France, 1917.
A. E. F.—With General Pershing and the American Forces. 1918.
Seeing Things at Night. 1921.
Studies and Reviews
Bookm. 53 (’21): 443.
Cur. Op. 67 (’19): 315.
Dial, 65 (’18): 125.
See also Book Review Digest, 1918, 1921.
Alice Brown—short-story writer, novelist, dramatist.
Born on a farm near Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, 1857. Graduated from Robinson Seminary, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1876. Lived on a farm many years and loves outdoor life. Many years on staff of Youth’s Companion.
Her stories of New England life should be compared with those of Sarah Orne Jewett and Mary Wilkins Freeman (q. v.). In 1915, she won the Winthrop Ames $10,000 prize for her play, Children of Earth.
Fools of Nature. 1887.
*Meadow-Grass. 1895. (Short stories.)
Robert Louis Stevenson—A Study. 1895. (With Louise Imogene Guiney.)
By Oak and Thorn. 1896. (English travels.)
The Road to Castaly. 1896. (Poems.)
The Day of His Youth. 1897.
*Tiverton Tales. 1899. (Short stories.)
King’s End. 1901.
Margaret Warrener. 1901.
Judgment. 1903.
The Mannerings. 1903.
The Merrylinks. 1903.
High Noon. 1904. (Short stories.)
Paradise. 1905.
The County Road. 1906.
The Court of Love. 1906.
Rose MacLeod. 1908.
The Story of Thyrza. 1909.
Country Neighbors. 1910. (Short stories.)
John Winterbourne’s Family. 1910.
The One-Footed Fairy. 1911. (Short stories.)
The Secret of the Clan. 1912.
Vanishing Points. 1913. (Short stories.)
Robin Hood’s Barn. 1913.
My Love and I. 1913. (Under the pseudonym “Martin Redfield.”)
*Children of Earth. 1915. (Play.)
The Prisoner. 1916.
Bromley Neighborhood. 1917.
The Flying Teuton. 1918. (Short stories.)
The Black Drop. 1919.
Homespun and Gold. 1920. (Short stories.)
The Wind between the Worlds. 1920. (Short stories.)
Louise Imogene Guiney. 1921.
One Act Plays. 1921.
Old Crow. 1022. (Novel.)
Studies and Reviews
Acad. 76 (’09): 110.
Atlan. 98 (’06): 55.
Cur. Op. 57 (’14): 28.
Lit. Digest, 48 (’14): 1435.
Outlook, 123 (’19): 514 (portrait).
R. of Rs. 39 (’09): 761; 43 (’11): 121. (Portraits.)
Spec. 102 (’09): 785.