Contemporary American Literature. John Matthews Manly
(The initials following the abbreviated titles of the periodicals refer to the indexes in which they are listed.)
The Book Review Digest, 1905-——, contains summaries of important reviews in periodicals and newspapers.
Academy: London (ceased 1916)—Acad.
American Catholic Quarterly Review: Philadelphia—Amer. Cath. Quar.
Athenæum: London—Ath.—A. L. I. Combined with Nation (London), Feb. 19, 1921.
Atlantic Monthly: Boston—Atlan.—R. G.; A. S. I.
Bellman: Minneapolis, Minn. (ceased 1919).
Booklist (A. L. A.): Chicago.
Bookman: New York—Bookm.—R. G.
Bookman: London—Bookm. (Lond.)—D. I.; A. S. I.
Book News: Philadelphia (ceased 1918).
Boston Transcript: Boston—Bost. Trans.
Catholic World: New York—Cath. World.
Century: New York—Cent.—R. G.
Chapbook (a Monthly Miscellany): London.
Columbia University Quarterly: New York—Columbia Univ. Quar.
Contemporary Review: London and New York—Contemp.—R. G.; A. S. I.
Craftsman: New York. Includes some literary studies.
Critic: New York (ceased 1906)—R. G.
Current Literature: New York (name changed to Current Opinion, 1913)—Cur. Lit.—R. G.
Current Opinion: New York—Cur. Op.—R. G.
Dial: New York—Dial—R. G.
Double-Dealer: New Orleans (1921-——).
Drama: Washington—Drama—R. G. S.
Dublin Review: London—Dub. R.—D. I.; A. S. I.; R. G. S.
Edinburgh Review: Edinburgh—Edin. R.
Egoist: London (1914–19). Includes art, music, literature, emphasizing especially new movements.
English Review: London (1908-——)—Eng. Rev.—R. G. S.; D. I.; A. S. I.
Fortnightly Review: London and New York—Fortn.—R. G.; A. S. I.
Forum: New York—R. G.; A. S. I.
Freeman: New York (ceased 1924).
Harper’s Magazine: New York—Harp.
Independent: New York—Ind.—R. G.
Literary Digest: New York—Lit. Digest—R. G.
Literary Review of the New York Evening Post: New York (1921-——).—Lit. Rev.
Little Review: Chicago.
Littell’s Living Age: Boston—Liv. Age—R. G. Reprints from the best periodicals.
London Mercury: London (1919-——)—Lond. Merc. Critical review, established in 1919, edited by J. C. Squire.
London Times Literary Supplement: London—Lond. Times—A. S. I.
Manchester Guardian: Manchester, England—The best English provincial paper for reviews.
Nation: London—Nation (Lond.)—A. S. I. See Athenæum.
Nation: New York—Nation—R. G.
New Republic: New York (1914- )—New Repub.—R. G.
New Statesman: London (1913- )—New Statesman—R. G. S.; A. S. I.
New York Eve. Post. See Literary Review.
New York Times Review of Books: New York—N. Y. Times.
Nineteenth Century and After: London and New York—19th Cent.—R. G.; A. S. I.
North American Review: New York—No. Am.—R. G.; A. S. I.
Outlook: New York.
Poet Lore: Boston—Poet Lore—R. G. S.
Poetry: Chicago—Poetry—R. G.
Quarterly Review: London and New York—Quar.—R. G.; A. S. I.
The Review: New York—a weekly journal of political and general discussion: Began 1919; changed its name, June, 1920, to Weekly Review; consolidated with Independent, October, 1921.
Review of Reviews: New York—R. of Rs.—R. G.
Saturday Review: London—Sat. Rev.—A. S. I.
Sewanee Review: Sewanee, Tennessee.
Spectator: London—Spec.—R. G. S.; A. S. I.
Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass.—Springfield Repub.
Touchstone: New York.
Unpopular Review—New York. 1915–19. Continued as Unpartizan Review to 1921.
Westminster Review—London—Westm. R. (ceased 1914).
World Today: New York (ceased 1912).
Yale Review: New Haven, Conn.—R. G. S.
Popular magazines, referred to on occasion, are not listed above.
(Referred to in the book by the first word usually)
1. Histories and General Discussion
Boynton, Percy Holmes. A History of American Literature. 1919. (Bibliographies.)
Cambridge History of American Literature. 1917–21. By W. P. Trent, John Erskine, Stuart P. Sherman, and Carl Van Doren. (Vols. III, IV.) (Bibliographies.)
Macy, J. A. The Spirit of American Literature. 1913.
Pattee, Fred Lewis. A History of American Literature since 1870. 1915. (Bibliographies.)
Perry, Bliss. The American Spirit in Literature. 1918.
Stearns, Harold E. America and the Young Intellectual. 1921.
———— Civilization in the United States. 1922. (Special chapters.)
2. Criticism of Special Authors or Phases
Canby, H. S., Benét, W. R., and Loveman, Amy, Saturday Papers. 1921.
Hackett, Francis. Horizons: a Book of Criticism. 1918.
———— Editor. On American Books. 1920. (Symposium by Joel D. Spingarn, Padraic Colum, H. L. Mencken, Morris R. Cohen, and Francis Hackett.)
Littell, Philip, Books and Things. 1919.
Mencken, H. L. Prefaces. 1917.
———— Prejudices, First and Second Series. 1919–20.