Canada: the Empire of the North. Agnes C. Laut

Canada: the Empire of the North - Agnes C. Laut

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219 CONTEMPORARY PLAN OF THE ATTACK ON LOUISBURG After a plan reproduced in Winsor's America. 221 FORT HALIFAX, 1755 (Restoration) 222 CONTEMPORARY VIEW OF OSWEGO From Smith's History of the Province of New York. 223 GOVERNOR DINWIDDIE OF VIRGINIA After a portrait by Ramsay. 225 TITLE-PAGE OF WASHINGTON'S JOURNAL 227 A SKETCH OF THE FIELD OF BATTLE AT BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT From a contemporary manuscript in the Library of Harvard University. 229 PLAN OF FORT BEAUSEJOUR From Mante's History of the Late War in North America. 230 GENERAL MONCKTON After a mezzotint in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. 232 GENERAL JOHN WINSLOW After the portrait in Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, Massachusetts. 234 MAP OF ACADIA AND THE ADJACENT ISLANDS, 1755 237 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON After the portrait by Adams. 238 MAP OF THE REGION OF LAKE GEORGE From Documentary History of New York. 239 RUINS OF CHÂTEAU BIGOT From a photograph by Captain Wurtelle. 245 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, OTTAWA From a photograph. 246 QUEBEC, CHÂTEAU FRONTENAC AND THE CITADEL From a photograph. 246 THE EARL OF LOUDON After the portrait by Ramsay. 249 BOSCAWEN After the portrait by Reynolds. 253 THE SIEGE OF LOUISBURG, 1758 From a picture in the Lenox Collection, New York Public Library. 255 AMHERST After the portrait by Reynolds. 257 THE COUNTRY ROUND TICONDEROGA From Documentary History of New York. 259 GENERAL JAMES WOLFE After the engraved portrait by Houstin. 261 BOUGAINVILLE After a cut in Bounechose's Montcalm. 263 THE SITE OF QUEBEC AND THE GROUND OCCUPIED DURING THE SIEGE OF 1759 After a plan in The Universal Magazine, London, December, 1859. 265 LOUIS JOSEPH, MARQUIS DE MONTCALM After the portrait in the possession of his descendants. 268 DEATH OF WOLFE From the painting by West. 272 MAJOR ROBERT ROGERS After a mezzotint by an unknown engraver. Published in London, October 1, 1776 277 NORTH AMERICA AT THE CLOSE OF THE FRENCH WARS, 1763 278 GENERAL MURRAY, FIRST GOVERNOR OF QUEBEC After the portrait by Ramsay. 280 SETTLEMENTS ON THE DETROIT RIVER From Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac. 283 BOUQUET After the portrait by West. 289 RETURN OF THE ENGLISH CAPTIVES After the painting by West. 291 MONTREAL After a print in the New York Public Library. 293 SAMUEL HEARNE After an engraving published in 1796. 297 GENERAL RICHARD MONTGOMERY After the painting by Chappel. 301 MAP OF QUEBEC DURING THE SIEGE OF CONGRESS TROOPS 303 SIR GUY CARLETON After an engraving in The Political Magazine, June, 1782. 307 BENEDICT ARNOLD After the portrait by Tate. 309 GENERAL HALDIMAND After the portrait by Reynolds. 311 JOSEPH BRANT After the portrait by Ames. 315 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR SIMCOE After an engraving in Scadding's Toronto of Old. 316 CAPTAIN COOK After the portrait by Dauce. 320 FORT CHURCHILL AS IT WAS IN 1777 After a print in the European Magazine, June, 1797. 320 TOTEM POLES, BRITISH COLUMBIA From a photograph. 320 CAPTAIN GEORGE VANCOUVER After the portrait by Abbott. 322 NOOTKA SOUND From an engraving in Vancouver's Journal. 323 FORT CHIPPEWYAN, ATHABASCA LAKE From a recent photograph.
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