The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth
'Annuals' and publishing Roguery .
65. Of Lady Winchelsea, Tickell, &c.: Sonnets, &c.
66. Hamilton's 'Spirit of Beauty:' Verbal Criticism: Female Authorship: Words.
67. His 'Play:' Hone: Eyesight failing, &c.
68. Summer: Mr. Quillinan: Draining, &c.
69. Works of Webster, &c.: Elder Poets: Dr. Darwin: 'Excursion:' Collins, &c.
71. Nonsense: Rotten Boroughs: Sonnets: Pegasus: Kenelm Digby: Tennysons.
72. Verses: 'Reform Bill:' Francis Edgeworth: Eagles: 'Yarrow Revisited.'
75. Of Advices that he would write more in Prose .
76. Of Poetry and Prose: Milton and Shakspeare: Reform, &c.
79. Family Affliction and State of Public Affairs .
80. Illness of Sister: Reform: Poems: Oxford and Cambridge, &c.
81. ' Remains of Lucretia Davidson:' Public Events: Miss Jewsbury, &c.
82. Tuition at the University .
83. On the Admission of Dissenters to graduate in the University of of Cambridge.
85. The Works of James Shirley .
86. Literary Criticism and News: Men of Science, &c.
87. Of 'Elia:' Miss Wordsworth .
88. 'Specimens of English Sonnets:' Criticisms, &c.
89. The Poems of Lady Winchelsea, Skelton, &c.
91. Sonnets, and less-known female Poets: Hartley Coleridge, &c.
94. The Poems of Mrs. Hemans .
95. Of the Church of England, &c.
96. Of 'The Omnipresence of the Deity,' &c.
97. A new Church at Cockermouth .
99. Classic Scenes: Holy Land .
100. American Edition of Poems, &c
101. Of the Poems of Quillinan, and Revision of his own Poems .
103. Of Bentley and Akenside .
104. Presidency of Royal Dublin Society: Patronage of Genius: Canons of Criticism: Family News.
105. Prose-writing: Coleridge: Royal Dublin Society: Select Minds: Copyright: Private Affairs.
106. Of his own Poems and posthumous Fame .
108. New Edition of his Poems .
109. Death of his Nephew, John Wordsworth .
111. On the Death of a young Person . [167]
112. Religion and Versified Religion .
113. Memorandum of a Conversation on Sacred Poetry (by Rev. R. P. Graves.
114. Visit of Queen Adelaide to Rydal Mount .
115. Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Act, &c.