Public Speaking. Clarence Stratton
should be examined. Still the word is not yours until you have used it exactly. This you should do at the first opportunity. If the opportunity seems long in coming make it for yourself by discussing with some one the topic with which it was used or frankly discuss the word itself. How many unfamiliar words have you heard or seen recently? How many do you easily use now in your own remarks? You might find it a good plan to take a linguistic inventory every night. A little practice in this will produce amazingly interesting and profitable results in both use and understanding. A keenness for words will be rapidly developed. Word-lists of all kinds will take on entirely new meanings. A spontaneous receptivity will develop into permanent retention of words and phrases.
1. Tell of some new word you have added to your vocabulary recently. Explain when you met it, how it happened to impress you, what you learned of it.
2. In studying a foreign language how did you fix in your mind the words which permanently stuck there?
3. Look over a page in a dictionary. Report to the class on some interesting material you find.
4. Make a list of ten slang or technical expressions. Explain them in exact, clear language.
5. Find and bring to class a short printed passage, which because of the words, you cannot understand. Unusual books, women's fashion magazines, technical journals, books of rules for games, financial reports, contain good examples.
6. How much do you know about any of the following words?
chassis | fuselage | orthodox | sable |
comptometer | germicide | plebescite | self-determination |
covenant | layman | purloin | soviet |
ethiopian | morale | querulous | vers libre |
farce | nectar | renegade | zoom |
7. Comment on the words in the following extracts:
"Of enchanting crimson brocade is the slipover blouse which follows the lines of the French cuirasse. Charmingly simple, this blouse, quite devoid of trimming, achieves smartness by concealing the waistline with five graceful folds."
"The shift bid consists in bidding a suit, of which you have little or nothing, with the ultimate object of transferring later to another declaration, which is perfectly sound. The idea is to keep your adversaries from leading this suit up to your hand, which they will likely avoid doing, thinking that you are strong in it."
"While sentiment is radically bearish on corn there is so little pressure on the market other than from shorts that a majority of traders are inclined to go slow in pressing the selling side on breaks until the situation becomes more clearly defined. The weekly forecast for cool weather is regarded as favorable for husking and shelling, and while there was evening up on the part of the pit operators for the double holiday, some of the larger local professionals went home short expecting a lower opening Tuesday."
8. Make a list of ten new words you have learned recently.
Suffixes and Prefixes. Definite steps for continuous additions can be mapped out and covered. Careful attention to prefixes and suffixes will enlarge the vocabulary.
1. a = on, in, at, to; abed, aboard, afield, afire
2. ab (a, abs) = from, away; absent, abstract, abdicate
3. ad, etc. = to, in addition to; adapt, admit, adduce
4. ante = before, anteroom, antebellum
5. anti = against, opposite; anticlimax, antipodes, antipathy
6. bi= two; bicycle, biennial, biped, biplane
7. circum = around, about; circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent
8. con (col, com, co, cor, etc.) = with, together; consent, collect, coördinate, composite, conspiracy
9. contra (counter) = against; contradict, counteract, countermand
10. de = down, from, away; depose, desist, decapitate, denatured
11. demi, hemi, semi = half; demi-tasse, hemisphere, semiannual, semitransparent
12. di (dis) = twice, double; dissyllable
13. dis (di, dif) = apart, away, not; distract, diverge, diversion, disparage
14. en (em) = in, on, into; engrave, embody, embrace
15. extra = beyond; extraordinary, extravagant
16. hyper = above; hypercritical
17. in (il, im, ir) = in, into, not; inclose, illustrate, irrigate, inform, illiterate, impious, irregular
18. ex (e, ec, ef) = out of, from, beyond, thoroughly, formerly but not now; exclude, excel, ex-senator.
19. inter = between, among; intercede, interchange, interfere, interurban, interlude
20. mis = wrongly, badly; miscalculate, misspell, misadventure
21. mono = one; monoplane
22. per = through, thoroughly, by; perchance, perfect, per-adventure
23. poly = many; polygon, polytheism
24. post = behind, after; postgraduate, post-mortem, postlude, postscript, post-meridian (P.M.)
25. pre = before (in time, place, or order); preëminent, predict, prefer, prefix, prejudge, prejudice
26. preter = beyond; preternatural
27. pro = before, forth, forward; proceed, prosecute
28. pro = siding with; pro-ally
29. re = back, again; recover, renew, recall
30. sub, etc. = under; submerge, subscribe, subterranean, subterfuge
31. super (sur) = over, above; superintend, supercargo
32. trans (tra) = across; translate, transmit, transfer
33. vice (vis) = instead of; vice-president, vice-admiral
1. ee, er = one who; absentee, profiteer, mower
2. ard, art= term of disparagement; drunkard, braggart
3. esque =