Who Goes There?. B. K. Benson

Who Goes There? - B. K. Benson

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ain't gone wrong--but we's mos' up on dem pickets ag'in," he repeated.

      "Where are we?"

      "We's gittin' mos' to Worrick; ef we gits up to de place, den w'at you gwine to do?"

      "I want to stay there till daylight, so that I can see them and know how many they are."

      "Den w'at you gwine to do?"

      "Then I want to follow their line as near as I can, going toward Yorktown."

      "Den all I got to say is dat hit's mighty cole to be a-layin' out in de woods widout no fiah en' widout no kiver en' widout noth'n' to eat."

      "That's true, Nick; do you know of any place where we could get an hour or two of sleep without freezing?"

      "Dat's des' w'at I was a-gwine to say; fo' God it was; ef dat's w'at you gwine to do; come on."

      He led the way again, going to the left. We passed through woods, then a field, and came to a farmhouse,

      "Hold on. Nick," said I; "it won't do to go up to that house."

      "Dey ain't nobody dah," said Nick; "all done runned off to Richmon' er summers."

      The fences were gone, and a general air of desolation marked the place.

      Nick went into an outhouse--a stable with a loft--- and climbed up into the loft. I climbed up after him. There was a little loose hay in the loft; we speedily stretched ourselves. I made Nick promise to be awake before sunrise, for I feared the place would be visited by the rebels.

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