The Social Principles of Jesus. Walter Rauschenbusch
Walter Rauschenbusch
The Social Principles of Jesus
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066102951
Table of Contents
Part I. The Axiomatic Social Convictions Of Jesus
First Day: The Worth of a Child
Second Day: The Humanity of a Leper
Third Day: The Moral Quality of Contempt
Fourth Day: Bringing Back the Outcast
Fifth Day: The Problem of the Delinquents
Sixth Day: Going Beyond Justice
Seventh Day: The Courtesy of Jesus
Suggestions for Thought and Discussion
Chapter II. The Solidarity Of The Human Family
First Day: The Social Impulse and the Law of Christ
Second Day: Jesus Craving Friendship
Third Day: Restoring Solidarity
Fourth Day: The Christian Intensification of Love
Fifth Day: Solidaristic Responsibility
Sixth Day: The Solidarity of the Generations
Seventh Day: Social Consciousness in the Lord's Prayer
Suggestions for Thought and Discussion
Chapter III. Standing With The People
First Day: The Social Platform of Jesus
Second Day: The Social Test of the Messiah
Third Day: The Church, a Product of Social Feeling
Fifth Day: Salvation through the Common People
Sixth Day: Jesus, a Man of the People
Seventh Day: The Final Test for All
Suggestions for Thought and Discussion
Part II. The Social Ideal Of Jesus
Chapter IV. The Kingdom Of God: Its Values
Third Day: Baptism and the New Order
Fourth Day: The Way to Happiness
Sixth Day: The Poise of Expectancy
Suggestions for Thought and Discussion
Chapter V. The Kingdom Of God: Its Tasks
First Day: The Kingdom of Hard Work
Second Day: The Call to Action
Third Day: The Futility of Talk
Fourth Day: This Camel Passed Through
Sixth Day: Twelve against the Field
Seventh Day: Doing All, and Then Some