The Social Principles of Jesus. Walter Rauschenbusch

The Social Principles of Jesus - Walter Rauschenbusch

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       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Chapter VI. A New Age And New Standards

       First Day: Living up to the Old Standards

       Second Day: Expanding the Area of Obligation

       Third Day: Raising the Standards

       Fourth Day: The Sins of Hate

       Fifth Day: The Sins of Sex

       Sixth Day: The Sins of Words

       Seventh Day: The Sins of Strife

       Study for the Week

       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Part III. The Recalcitrant Social Forces

       Chapter VII. Leadership For Service

       First Day: The Trustee

       Second Day: Preparing for the Use of Power

       Third Day: The New Principle of Leadership

       Fourth Day: The History of a Governing Class

       Fifth Day: An Indictment of a Governing Class

       Sixth Day: The Lost Leader

       Seventh Day: The New Order of Leaders

       Study for the Week

       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Chapter VIII. Private Property And The Common Good

       First Day: The Rival Interest

       Second Day: The Accumulator

       Third Day: Quit Grafting

       Fourth Day: God versus Mammon

       Fifth Day: The Divisive Influence of Riches

       Sixth Day: Get a Plank for the Deluge

       Seventh Day: Stranded on His Wealth

       Study for the Week

       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Chapter IX. The Social Test Of Religion

       First Day: Worship is not Enough

       Second Day: The Test of Social Value

       Third Day: Natural Duty above Artificial

       Fourth Day: Religion Which Obscured Duty

       Fifth Day: Religious Wonders and Social Realities

       Sixth Day: When Religion Separates Men

       Seventh Day: Be Useful or Die

       Study for the Week

       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Part IV. Conquest By Conflict

       Chapter X. The Conflict With Evil

       First Day: The Consciousness of Sin in the Lord's Prayer

       Second Day: Evil Embodied in Character

       Third Day: The Social Pressure of Evil

       Fourth Day: Moral Laziness

       Fifth Day: Satanic Frustration of Good

       Sixth Day: The Irrepressible Conflict

       Seventh Day: Militant Gentleness

       Study for the Week

       Suggestions for Thought and Discussion

       Chapter XI. The Cross As A Social Principle

       First Day: The Prophetic Succession


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