The Acts of the Apostles. Ellen Gould White

The Acts of the Apostles - Ellen Gould White

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       Ellen Gould White

      The Acts of the Apostles

      Published by Good Press, 2020

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066412333


       God's Purpose for His Church

       The Training of the Twelve

       The Great Commission


       The Gift of the Spirit

       At the Temple Gate

       A Warning Against Hypocrisy

       Before the Sanhedrin

       The Seven Deacons

       The First Christian Martyr

       The Gospel in Samaria

       From Persecutor to Disciple

       Days of Preparation

       A Seeker for Truth

       Delivered From Prison

       The Gospel Message in Antioch

       Heralds of the Gospel

       Preaching Among the Heathen

       Jew and Gentile

       Exalting the Cross

       In the Regions Beyond


       Berea and Athens


       The Thessalonian Letters

       Apollos at Corinth


       Days of Toil and Trial

       A Message of Warning and Entreaty

       Called to Reach a Higher Standard

       The Message Heeded

       A Liberal Church

       Laboring Under Difficulties

       A Consecrated Ministry

       Salvation to the Jews

       Apostasy in Galatia

       Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem

       Paul a Prisoner

       The Trial at Caesarea

       Paul Appeals to Caesar

       "Almost Thou Persuadest Me"

       The Voyage and Shipwreck

       In Rome

       Caesar's Household

       Written From Rome

       At Liberty

       The Final Arrest

       Paul Before Nero

       Paul's Last Letter

       Condemned to Die

       A Faithful Under-Shepherd

       Steadfast Unto the End

       John the Beloved

       A Faithful Witness

       Transformed by Grace

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