The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly
8. August 17. 1639.
Act containing the Causes and Remedie of the. by-gone Evils of this Kirk.
Act approving an old Register of the. Generall Assembly.
Act Sess. 19. August 27. 1639.
Act approving the deposition of the Ministers. by the Committees.
Act anent receiving of deposed Ministers.
Act Sess. 21. August 29. 1639.
Act anent the keeping of the Lords Day.
Act Sess. 22. Aug. 29. 1639. a Meridie.
Articles and Overtures approved by the Assembly.
The Kings Majesties Commissioners. Declarations.
Like as His Majesties Commissioner, read. and gave in the Declaration following
Act anent advising with Synods and Presbyteries. before determination in Novations.
Act anent Ministers Catechising, and. Family Exercises.
The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE.
The Generall Assembly, Conveened at Aberdene, July 28. 1640.
Act anent the demolishing of Idolatrous. Monuments.
Act against Witches and Charmers.
Act for censuring speakers against the. Covenant.
Act against Expectants refusing to subscribe. the Covenant.
The Generall Assembly, Holden at St. Andrews, and Edinburgh. 1641.
Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices.
Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie.
Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed.
Act against Impiety and Schisme.
Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie.
Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641.