The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly
entered at that time, and hath continued since, with the lamentable effects, that it hath produced both against Pastours, and professours, the unlawfulnesse and nullitie of Perth Assembly already declared by this Assembly, and that in the necessarie renewing of the confession of Faith in February 1638. the practice of novations introduced in the worship of God, was suspended, till they should be determined in a free generall Assembly: and that in the same year at his Majesties command some had subscribed the confession of Faith, as it was professed when it was first subscribed: For these causes the Assembly entered into a diligent tryall of the foresaid articles, whether they be constant to the confession of Faith, as it was meaned and professed in [pg 037] the year 1580. 1581. 1590. and 1591. And findeth that first in generall: In the confession of Faith we professe, We willingly agree in our consciences to the forme of Religion, of a long time openly professed by the Kings Majestie, and Whole body of this Realme in all points, as unto Gods undoubted truth and verity, grounded only upon his written word, and therefore abhor and deteste all contrary Religion and Doctrine, but chiefly, all kinde of papistrie in generall and partrcular heads, even as they were then damned and confuted by the Word of God and Kirk of Scotland, and in speciall the Romane Antichrist his five bastard sacraments, with all rites, ceremonies and false doctrine, added to the ministration of the true Sacraments, without the word of God, his cruell judgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament, his absolute necessitie of baptisme, and finally, we deteste all his vain allegories, rites, signes, and traditions brought into the Kirk without, or against the word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk, to the which we joyne our selves willingly in Doctrine, Faith, Religion, Discipline, and use of the holy Sacraments, as lively members of the same in Christ our Head; promising and swearing, &c. And that these five articles are contrarie to the Religion then professed, were confuted by the word of God, and Kirk of Scotland, or are rites, and ceremonies, added to the ministration, of the true Sacraments, without the word God, or nourish the popish judgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament, or absolute necessitie, of Baptisme or rites, signes, and traditions brought in to the Kirk, with out or against the word of God, and doctrine of this true reformed Kirk.
And next in particular, concerning festivall dayes, findeth, that in the explication of the first head, of the first book of Discipline, it was thought good that the feasts of Christmas, Circumcision, Epiphanie, with the feasts of the Apostles, Martyres, and Virgine Mary, bee utterly abolished, because they are neither commanded nor warranded by Scripture, and that such as observe them be punished by civill Magistrats. Here utter abolition is craved, and not reformation of abuses only, and that because the observation of such feasts hath no warrand from the word of God. In the generall Assembly holden at Edinburgh Anno 1556. the [pg 038] large confession of Helvetia was approved, but with speciall exception against the same five dayes, which are now urged upon us. It was not then the Popish observation only, with the Popish opinion of worship and merit, which was disallowed; (for so the reformed Kirk in Helvetia did not observe them) but simpliciter all observation. For this end was read a letter in Latine, sent at that time by some of our divines to certaine divines in these parts to this purpose. In the Assembly holden 1575. in August, complaint was made against the Ministers and Readers beside Aberdene; because they assembled the people to preaching and prayers upon certane festival dayes: So that preaching and prayers upon festival dayes was judged rebukable. It was ordained likewise, that complaint be made to the Regent, upon the town of Drumfreis, for urging and convoying a Reader to the Kirk with Tabret and Whistle, to read Prayers, all the holy dayes of Christmas, upon the refusal of their own Reader. Among the articles directed by this Assembly to the Regent: It was craved that all holy dayes hereto-fore keeped holy, beside the Lords day, such a Yooleday, and Saints dayes, and such others may bee abolished, and a certain penaltie appointed for banqueting, playing, feasting upon these dayes. In the Assembly holden in April, Anno 1577. It was ordained that the visitors with the advice of the Synodal Assembly, should admonish Ministers, preaching or ministrating the Communion at Easter, or Christmas, or other like superstitious times, or Readers reading, to desist, under the paine of deprivation. In the ninth head of the first book of Discipline, the reason is set down against Easter Communion. Your honours are not ignorant how superstitiously the people run to that action at Pascheven; as if the time gave vertue to the Sacrament, and how the rest of the whole year, they are carelesse and negligent, as if it appartained not to them, but at that time only. And for this reason, other times were appointed by that book, for that holy action. In the Assembly holden 1596. begun in March 1595. at which time the Covenant was renewed, superstition and idolatrie breaking forth in observing festival dayes; setting out of bone-fires, singing Carols, are reakoned amongst the corruptions which [pg 039] were to be amended: And the Pulpits did sound from time to time, against all shew of observing any festival day whatsoever, except the Lords day.
Concerning kneeling at the Communion, findeth that in the confession of Faith prefixed before the Psalmes, and approved by our Kirk in the very beginning of the reformation, we have these words, Neither in the ministration of the Sacraments, must we follow men: but as Christ himself hath ordained, so must they be ministred. In the large confession of Faith chap. 23. It is required as necessary, for the right ministration of the Sacraments, that they bee ministred in such elements, and in such sort, as God hath appointed, and that men have adulterate the Sacraments with their own inventions: So that no part of Christs action abideth in the originall puritie. The judgement of our reformers, who drew up the large Confession, was by cleare evidents shewed to be contrary to this gesture in the act of receiving the Sacrament. In the order of celebrating the Lords Supper, prefixed before the Psalmes in meeter, sitting and distributing by the Communicants, are joined: as likewise by the second head of the first book of Discipline, as nearest to Christs own action, and to his perfect practise, and most convenient to that holy action, and all inventions devised by man are condemned, as alterations and accusations of Christs perfect ordinance: Ministers were enjoyned by act of Assembly in December 1562. To observe the order of Geneva: that is the English Kirk at Geneva: where Master Knox had been sometime Minister, in the ministration of the Sacraments. This act was renewed in the Assembly holden in December 1564. where Ministers are referred to the order set down before the Psalmes, for ministration of the Sacraments; which is all one with the former: for that was the order of the English Kirk at Geneva.
In the Parliament holden Anno 1567. It was declared that whosoever did not participate of the Sacraments, as they were then publickly administrat in this reformed Kirk ought not to be reputed members of this Kirk. The act for the Kings oath at his coronation, to maintain the due administration of the Sacraments, as they were then ministred, [pg 040] Anno 1567. Was ratified Anno 1581. At which time the short Confession, adhering to the use of the Sacraments, in the Kirk of Scotland, was subscribed: as also Anno 1592. after the second Subscription to the confession of Faith. In the Parliament 1572. an act was made against such as did not participat of the Sacraments as they were then rightly ministered: But the gesture of kneeling, in the act of receiving, putteth the ministration of the Sacraments used in this Kirk out of frame: whereby it is clear that whatsoever gesture or rite, cannot stand with the administration of the Sacraments as they were then ministred and were ministred ever since the reformation, till the year 1618. must bee condemned by our Kirk as a rite added to the true ministration of the Sacraments without the word of God, and as rite or tradition brought in without, or against the word of God, or doctrine of this reformed Kirk.
III. Concerning Confirmation; The Assembly findeth it to be comprehended in the clause of the Confession, where the five bastard Sacraments are condemned. And seeing Episcopacie is condemned, imposition of hands by Bishops falleth to the ground. And in all the acts for catechising or examination before admission to the communion, no inkling of imposition of hands.
IIII. Concerning the administration of the Sacraments in private places, or private baptisme, and communion; findeth that in the book of common order, set down before the Psalmes, it is said, That the Sacraments art not ordained of God to be used in private corners, as charmers and sorcerers use to doe, but left to the Congregation. In the Assembly holden at Edinburgh in October Anno 1581. the same year and Assembly, that the confession of Faith was subscribed: It was ordained, that the Sacraments be not administred in private houses, but solemnly according to good order hither to observed. The Minister of Tranent was suspended at that time, for baptizing an infant in a private house: but confessing his offence, he was ordained to make his publick repentance in the Kirk of Tranent, before