Accelerated Life Testing of One-shot Devices. Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
11: Conclusions and Future Directions 11.1 Brief Overview 11.2 Concluding Remarks 11.3 Future Directions
19 Appendix B: Observed Information Matrix
20 Appendix C: Non‐Identifiable Parameters for SSALTs Under Weibull Distribution
Appendix D: Optimal Design Under Weibull Distributions with Fixed
22 Appendix E: Conditional Expectations for Competing Risks Model Under Exponential Distribution
23 Appendix F: Kendall's Tau for Frank Copula
24 Bibliography
25 Author Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Failure records on electro‐explosive devices under CSALTs with temp...Table 1.2 Failure records on glass capacitors under CSALTs with two stress fa...Table 1.3 Failure records on solder joints under CSALTs with temperature (K) ...Table 1.4 Failure records on grease‐based magnetorheological fluids under SSA...Table 1.5 The number of mice sacrificed, with tumor from tumorigenecity exper...Table 1.6 The number of mice sacrificed, died without tumor, and died with tu...Table 1.7 Serial sacrifice data on the presence or absence of two disease cat...
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 One‐shot device testing data under CSALTs with multiple acceleratin...Table 2.2 The first‐order derivatives of mean lifetime and reliability functi...Table 2.3 CSALTs with two accelerating factors and
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 The values of the hyperparameters for Laplace, normal, and beta pri...Table 3.2 Bias and RMSEs of Bayesian estimates of the model parameter,
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 CSALTs with one stress factor on one‐shot devices for the simulatio...Table 4.2 Relative bias and RMSEs of the estimates of mean lifetime and relia...Table 4.3 Relative bias and RMSEs of the estimates of mean lifetime and relia...Table 4.4 Power of detection of the two distributions by the AIC and distance...Table 4.5 Coverage probability (CP) and average width (AW) of 95% confidence ...Table 4.6 Coverage probability (CP) and average width (AW) of 95% confidence int...Table 4.7 Average width of 95% confidence intervals for mean lifetime and reliab...Table 4.8 Coverage probability of mean lifetime and reliability at four missi...Table 4.9 Modified serial sacrifice data, from Table 1.7, on the presence or ...Table 4.10 R outputs for the log‐likelihood, the AIC and the distance‐based t...
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Null and alternative hypotheses for exponential, gamma, and Weibull...Table 5.2 R codes for computing WMDPDEs and Wald‐type test statistic values f...Table 5.3 The WMDPDEs of model parameters, reliability at various mission times,Table 5.4 The WMDPDEs of model parameters, reliability at various mission times,Table 5.5 The WMDPDEs of model parameters, reliability at various mission times,
6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 CSALTs with
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 R codes for optimal CSALTs subject to a budget of $200 000 and term...Table 7.2 R codes for optimal CSALTs subject to the limit of standard deviati...Table 7.3 Optimal CSALTs with different termination times and under different...Table 7.4 Optimal CSALTs with different termination times and under different...Table 7.5 Optimal CSALTs with different standard deviations,