Manage your dream. Your opportunities are endless. Vlad Rekovski

Manage your dream. Your opportunities are endless - Vlad Rekovski

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for my family. Of course, I do not forget to pay attention to my daughter, who at the age of three is incredibly active, and not a single swim in the sea is complete without my participation. I do not disregard my beloved wife either! In order not to fall under the influence of my subconscious, my brain is used to constantly controlling it. In the future, I will call our subconscious, this “main dictator” of human consciousness, the voice of the body.

      How to control your subconscious, why is it necessary and what is generally meant by this concept – my book tells about this, where I described my thoughts, actions and those events in my life to which they led.

      Here, on the western coast of India, forty kilometers south of the city of Vasco da Gama, I begin to write this book.

      Ural. Ilmensk reserve

      For forty years of my life, I watched my thoughts and what important changes took place in my biography. When I was still a ten-year-old boy, I mentally always saw myself as a winner in any school sports, a successful student, a leader of all kinds of events, and constantly thought that all the boys, because of my achievements, wanted to be like me. And, imagine, I became like that.

      By the age of fourteen, I had accumulated a whole pile of certificates of honor for sporting success, I was the chairman of the educational committee from schoolchildren, and at the same time I was the chairman of the sports commission there. At the age of fifteen, I became the chairman of the school forestry, we often went to competitions on knowledge of nature between schools in our city of Miass in the Chelyabinsk region. At the age of twelve, I independently, without knowledge of music and attending music courses, learned to play the guitar and organized a political song ensemble at school. We even had Cuban patriotic songs in our repertoire, such as “Guantanamera”. In addition, I managed to master several sports and competed in boxing, karate, cross-country skiing, volleyball and high jumping.

      Everything that I achieved in those years – today I understand it very clearly – I received all these achievements and success only thanks to my thoughts and a great desire to be so. And I got everything that I myself wanted: to become what I already saw myself at the moment when I had not yet achieved my goals!

      I’m 17 years old. First year at university

      At the age of seventeen, I entered the University in Sverdlovsk (this city was renamed Yekaterinburg in the 90s), at the Faculty of Economics of ULTI. Competition – five people per place. I successfully passed three exams: mathematics, physics and essay on the proposed topic, gaining fourteen points. The only thing left to do is to pass an interview. But, alas, my fourteen points turned out to be a semi-passing level – one point was not enough for me to pass the competition for sure. And here I am at the interview, I include all my energy, memory and a great desire to be here, among the students of the Faculty of Economics!

      As a result, my success in school and achievements played a decisive role: I get my cherished, missing for one hundred percent confidence, my winning BALL! I have fifteen points! I won!

      The first course at the university in 1986—1987 is successful and quite active: I get involved in public life, I become the head of the Komsomol organization (the Komsomol still existed in those years, at the end of the eighties, before the coming changes in the politics and economy of the country in the nineties). I play the guitar, meet the most active university students. This leads me to the creation of “Fireworks” disco club, in which my classmate Kirill Sukhov and I become the hosts, write individual and thematic programs for holding entertaining disc evenings that take place twice a month on our campus. This gives me the opportunity to earn a little in addition to my scholarship, which was fifty rubles, and, moreover, I expanded my possibilities in organizing hobbies in my free time.

      I have become quite a famous person at the university after several months of study: many students recognize me and invite me to all kinds of events and parties. Life starts to go like a script!

      1987 year. Conscription into the ranks of the armed forces.

      Unexpected, but true!

      Any person on his life path is faced with surprises and sudden difficulties, obstacles, and all kinds of unforeseen situations arise unexpectedly and unpredictably. It happened to me too. In May 1987, a decree of the USSR Ministry of Defense was issued on the additional conscription of students of higher educational institutions into the ranks of the armed forces. Despite the presence of a military department at our university, I, like many other students, had to go to the army, changing my plans not of my own free will. For me this news was an absolute surprise. I joined the army on June 5, 1987, not having time to pass the last exam in chemistry, which I always had difficulties with due to the lack of special interest in this discipline at school.

      How did I take this change for myself? Very calm. My inner voice told me at that moment: “If it turns out this way, then it should be so”! I calmly set myself up for the coming changes!

      (I draw your attention! Further in the text, do not confuse the concepts of “inner voice” and “voice of the body”, or our subconsciousness! These are completely different concepts. You will understand in the process of reading what the difference is.)

      We spent almost a week at a recruiting station on the outskirts of Sverdlovsk, and late in the evening we were put on a train and off we went. Where we were going, none of us knew. There was no information at that time. Waking up early the next morning and looking out the window, to my great surprise, I saw that the train was at the Chebarkul train station, twenty kilometers from Miass. Without waiting to disembark from the train, I took a ballpoint pen and in large letters on the right leg of my jeans, from top to bottom, wrote the name of the city: “Miass.” A little later, this inscription on jeans played a significant role in the events that unfolded soon, which influenced not only these two years of service, but also my subsequent life.

      Approximately two hours after arriving at the Chebarkul station, they dropped us off, put us on buses and brought us to the military unit of the Sivash division. Sorting of the young replenishment has begun. The total number of conscripts standing on the huge parade ground of the unit was about five hundred people (later I learned that in case of hostilities, the parade ground was provided as an airfield for military helicopters). One of the sergeants of the unit, seeing the inscription on my jeans, came up to me and asked: “Are you from the city of Miass?” I quickly replied, “Yes!” – “Excellent!” – said the sergeant and asked: – “What is your surname?” – “Rekovski!” – I immediately blurted. After that, the sergeant said sternly: “Well, when I say your last name, you should come up to me. I take you to my unit. You will not regret! Got it?” – “So exactly!!” I blurted out again.

      Another life

      And here I am enlisted in the 2nd battalion of the 31st motorized rifle regiment of the Sivash rapid deployment division. It was a hot summer. We entered the unit’s location, went up to the third floor and entered our barracks. The sight was unexpected: on one floor there were two companies, each with 120 people (4 platoons of 30 people each). There were no partitions between companies and platoons. It was one huge room with bunk beds. At that moment, I realized that it was necessary not only to survive in such conditions, but to succeed. I definitely need to stand out from the crowd and try to do more than the rest!

      And here is the first formation of the company after visiting the bathhouse. All are dressed in uniforms, some of the guys look funny – those for whom the clothes did not fit. I was lucky because the clothes fit me.

      After the roll call and check of the new squad, a survey began: “Who is the athlete?” I responded immediately.

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