Big Data. Seifedine Kadry

Big Data - Seifedine  Kadry

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      Big Data

      Concepts, Technology, and Architecture

      Balamurugan Balusamy, Nandhini Abirami. R, Seifedine Kadry, and Amir H. Gandomi

      This first edition first published 2021

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       To My Dear SAIBABA, IDKM KALIAMMA, My Beloved Wife Dr. Deepa Muthiah, Sweet Daughter Rhea, My dear Mother Mrs. Andal, Supporting father Mr. M. Balusamy, and ever‐loving sister Dr. Bhuvaneshwari Suresh. Without all these people, I am no one.

      ‐Balamurugan Balusamy

       To the people who mean a lot to me, my beloved daughter P. Rakshita, and my dear son P. Pranav Krishna.

      ‐Nandhini Abirami. R

       To My Family, and In Memory of My Grandparents Who Will Always Be In Our Hearts And Minds.

      ‐Amir H. Gandomi


      Writing a book is harder than I thought and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. None of this would have been possible without my family. I wish to extend my profound gratitude to my father, Mr. N. J. Rajendran and my mother, Mrs. Mallika Rajendran, for their moral support. I salute you for the selfless love, care, pain, and sacrifice you did to shape my life. Special mention goes to my father, who supported throughout my education, career, and encouraged me to pursue my higher studies. It is my fortune to gratefully acknowledge my sisters, DR. R. Vidhya Lakshmi and Mrs. R. Rajalakshmi Priyanka, for their support and generous care throughout my education and career. They were always beside me during the happy and hard moments to push me and motivate me. With great pleasure, I acknowledge the people who mean a lot to me, my beloved daughter P. Rakshita, and my dear son P. Pranav Krishna without whose cooperation, writing this book would not be possible. I owe thanks to a very special person, my husband, Mr. N. Pradeep, for his continued and unfailing support and understanding. I would like to extend my love and thanks to my dears, Nila Nagarajan, Akshara Nagarajan, Vaibhav Surendran, and Nivin Surendran. I would also like to thank my mother‐in‐law Mrs. Thenmozhi Nagarajan who supported me in all possible means to pursue my career.

      About the Author

      Balamurugan Balusamy is the professor of Data Sciences and Chief Research Coordinator at Galgotias University, NCR, India. His research focuses on the role of Data Sciences in various domains. He is the author of over a hundred Journal papers and book chapters on Data Sciences, IoT, and Blockchain. He has chaired many International Conferences and had given multiple Keynote addresses in Top Notch conferences across the Globe. He holds a Doctorate degree, masters, and Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Premier Institutions. In his spare time, he likes to do Yoga and Meditation.

      Nandhini Abirami R is a first year PhD student and a Research Associate in the School of Information Technology at Vellore Institute of Technology. Her doctoral research investigates the advancement and effectiveness of Generative Adversarial Network in computer vision. She takes a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the fields of healthcare and human computer interaction. She holds a master's degree in Information Technology from Vellore Institute of Technology, which investigated the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in predicting heart disease. She worked as Assistant Systems Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services.

      Amir H. Gandomi is a Professor of Data Science and an ARC DECRA Fellow at the Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. Prior to joining UTS, Prof. Gandomi was an Assistant Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and a distinguished research fellow in BEACON center, Michigan State University, USA. Prof. Gandomi has published over two hundred journal papers and seven books which collectively have been cited 19,000+ times (H‐index = 64). He has been named as one of the most influential scientific mind and Highly Cited Researcher (top 1% publications and 0.1% researchers) for four consecutive years, 2017 to 2020. He also ranked 18th in GP bibliography among

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