Temporomandibular Disorders. Robin J. M. Gray
tooth surface loss Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Further reading
20 12 I've Got a Headache Examination Radiographs Articulatory system exam Which muscles are tender? Why do joints click? Likely diagnosis Headache Management Patient journey Further Reading
21 13 I've Got Whiplash Examination Radiographic examination Record‐keeping Are TMD and whiplash related? Trauma Physiological Psychological Cultural Likely diagnosis Management Drug therapy Physiotherapy Further Reading Evidence‐based Dentistry
22 14 What's of Use to Me in Practice? Counselling and reassurance Drug therapy Physiotherapy Splint therapy Mouth prop Occlusal adjustments Does orthodontic treatment cause TMD? Restorative treatment, the dentist, and TMD The use of a facebow and semi‐adjustable articulators Radiographs Further referral Further Reading Evidence‐based Dentistry
23 15 You and the Lawyer Case scenario 1: note and record‐keeping Case scenario 2: a medical report request Do you get enough information? Have you got the necessary experience? What will you receive? You will receive a quantity of notes Doctor's records Dentist's records Walk‐in centre records Royal Infirmary records Dental hospital records Your report Case scenario 3: a disgruntled patient Particulars of claim Particulars of negligence Particulars of injury Further Reading
24 16 The Referral Letter Details History Medical and social history Request Further Reading
17 How to Make a Splint
How do you make a stabilisation splint?
Facebow registration
Armamentarium (Figure 17.2)
Reference plane locator
Locating and marking a reference point on the patient's face
Taking the facebow registration (assembling the earbow on the patient)
Centric relation record
Fitting a stabilisation splint
How do you make an anterior repositioning splint?
Bite registration
Fitting the ARPS