God Surprise. Ki Su Moon
summer, when it is hot, we used to make a pool out of it There we would swim and fish at the same time. The temporary made pool is easily destroyed by torrential rains and high water.
At the end of the road not far from our house, about 100 yards away, a rainforest starts. Forests are rich in mushrooms and berries of various kinds while in the rivers there are many different species of fish. There are raspberries, wild strawberries, lingo berry found between late spring season, and fall season. There are early and late blueberries are about the same size as small grapes.
In short, when I recall those sweet moments spending in the forest, my mouth is watering now. I feel like eating large and sour blueberries after which your mouth gets red -blue.
Living in such a rich environment, God-given nature, I was not thankful and did not notice this beauty simply because I had been blind to nature, and to God. However after the blindness of unbelief had been taken away, I was able to see all the beauty of the reality of God's creation as it is. This phenomenon in the Bible is called born again or born of God.
In addition, not far from our city there is the Sea of Okhotsk, It is located 12 km away from our city in the village of Starodubskoye. It stretches so beautifully along the railway on the southern coast, all the way to the city of Poronaysk. I remember this from childhood, because in the summer I would often go to my grandmother by train. As a child, my brother and I would often go to the sea. We could sit for hours on rocks by collecting crabs and shellfish, and admire the beauty of nature. Back then I did not understand what beauty is. We just loved to sit on the rocks by the sea to watch people fish. It was also interesting for us to watch the fishermen unloading fish on the ground. They loaded the fish onto trucks, and the rest of catch they threw away on the ground . My brother and I took home everything that was left abandoned on the ground. The funniest thing is that we would go there on foot, because we could not afford to go there by bus. It was especially interesting to go there barefoot after rain, along the only dry road from the burning sun. After raining, the road becomes soft and pleasant to the feet, so my brother and I loved to go there.
As far as I remember, our family was a gourmet in marine delicacies, without which our dinner table was indispensable. Our family was not well -off, but we were happy. Almost every day we would be happy if a bowl of rice was served on the table with greens. Then the country's economy was at the stage of a transitional period because of the patriotic war. Since 1945 there have been an economic depression throughout the country. Many trophies and remaining war weapons had been found in the forest. Now as I am writing a book I recall the episodes of the past that brings me the most pleasant memories of that time. Although many years have passed since then, and they seem forgotten, in fact, they remain hidden in my subconscious.
When I was there, I did not value anything, neither the sea, nor the forest. It would be nice if I could turn back time with a time machine that has never been invented. I never thought before that I would miss my native land with age.
To some extent, I agree with the old people who had predicted about my future. I have had to live and work under harsh conditions, among former prisoners (those who have been released due to good behavior on parol) in order to pay back my education. Life had been harsh on me when I was sent to work in the northern part of Sakhalin. In winter there is extremely cold the temperature gets down 40 degrees below zero. In order to protect myself from being cold, I have had to bundle up. It is clearly understood that all the time God has taken care of me. I thought I was just a lucky but I was mistaken. They got drunk to such an extent that they could not control their emotions, and started a scuffle. I saw for the first time in my life how prisoners fight among themselves. It's scary to watch! They would hit each other with anything they can get their hands on. And how much blood I've seen, it's scary to remember. At the sight of them, my heart trembled! I felt like giving up on everything, my work, the hostel, and run away as far as my eyes could not see it. In fact, I remember one day I broke down and ran away home. but later I have got the letter from the Construction and Installation Department. It was written on the summons that if you did not work for 3 years as you should after training, the cases may be referred to court. Seeing this agenda, I have had to go back there and work out the appointed time. God has been always with me in the midst of difficulties and trouble. !
Having returned to the village of Tymovsk, I was engaged in the team to work, with a prisoner, who was considered to be boss of prison “Athos”prison. It was located on the island near the city of Poronaysk. All the prisoners were afraid of him, respect him. No one dared to pass him without bowing down low. He became my protector and shield, he constantly encouraged me: I was chubby, and everyone who saw me could not walk past me without touching my chubby cheeks. Because of my little baby fat, almost everyone called me Pet, donut, but no one called me Peter And this man also called me Pet which means cute. One day during lunchtime, we went to have a snack while sitting at the table. I was bombarded with lots of questions how I got there and so on. Then he said to me: God forbid, Pet! If anybody among our prisoners hurts you, let me know about, I will immediately deal with them. And thanks to this man, I was able to complete the appointed time. This is how God kept me everywhere! Apparently, I was considered a particularly chosen vessel to be cared of
Unlike my friends, I was the first to believe in God and lead a new life. Almost thirty years have passed, and I still continue to serve him with all my heart, wherever He leads me. He deliberately orchestrates such situations so that I would experience His miracle. Although there have been many difficulties, and valleys of tears and torment, God always watches over me. I have been through many adversities in my life due to illness. Despite the fact I have had difficulties and valleys of tears to go through God did allow all these difficulties in order to strengthen me, and bring me to the next, desired spiritual level as he did to Job.
History repeats itself
The scripture says that there is nothing new under the sun; what was, it will be: and what was done, it will be done. In other words, people will change, and everything will be repeated. With a good example I want to show all that I said is true. .For example: let’s take the Soviet Union as an example. Speaking of the Soviet Union, many people still have nostalgia for the Soviet Union, they want to return to the Soviet Union again. The People cannot forget the systems to which they were accustomed to, saying in those days we had had everything: sausage, meat, free education and medical service and so on.
As for me, the law had been harsh and difficult with regard to my past. I don't know anybody else, as for me, I don’t want any longer drawn into the past. I don’t want to live isolated and bullied from outside the world. Freedom is more valued than anything else. Once you have lost the freedom, you would be in great trouble in many ways.
After I became a Christian, I read the book of Exodus in the Bible and found something in common with the Soviet system. This book tells how God miraculously led the people of Israel out of Egypt, in which they were enslaved, where they were exploited as they could be. Moreover, the Egyptians scoffed at them, treating them like low-class people. Unable to withstand such severe torment, they howled to God for help. And God heard their moaning and cries. Then, He decided to bring the people of Israel from slavery into the Promised Land, called Canaan, where freedom and peace awaited them. In the end, when God actually brought them out of Egypt and having them gone through the Red Sea on dry ground and seeing the Egyptians that pursued them drowned in the sea. Seeing how Pharaoh's army perishes in the water, the Jews began to glorify God, His Majesty, and power. They joyfully sang praises to God that He was their protector, and the deliverer. Less than a few days after they were liberated from the bondage of slavery, finding themselves in difficulties, they all rebelled against Moses, and began to murmur against him and against God.
No sooner had they been liberated from the hands of their enemy then they started complaining to God that they happened to be in difficulties. They all rebel against God and Moses. They began to grumble at him and God, saying that in Egypt there were a lot of things – watermelon, garlic, meat, but there is nothing but manna from heaven. They stated that they want to return again to Egypt. Less than a few days after the release, finding themselves in difficulties, they all pounced on Moses, and began to murmur against him and against God. How come quickly they forgot that they were in bondage, where they were treated like low-class people.
After all, God knew that they would