Story of my life. Lyudmila Kryanina

Story of my life - Lyudmila Kryanina

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Story of my life

      Lyudmila Kryanina

      Editor Ludmila Podroikova

      Illustrator Nadia Plechanova

      Designer Natalia Kudrina

      © Lyudmila Kryanina, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-4498-2023-5

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      «What has been will be again,

      what has been done will be done again;

      there is nothing new under the sun.».

(Ecclesiastes 1:9) ESV*(English standard version)


      «The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.»

(Ecclesiastes 1:9) KJV*(King James Version)

      This book is dedicated to you personally.

      I want you to know – that you have the best story of your life.

      Perhaps, reading this book, you will find your own times of life, that are similar to someone else’s, or learn the story of your friend’s life.

      And that is normal. There are so many different people all over the world, living and gaining life experience, that is similar to yours. They are not your counterparts.

      Times are changing, the culture is changing. People live in different countries, cities, villages and outback.

      But there is nothing new under the Sun. There have always been people with different nature, no matter if they are good or bad. Your life is in hands of the Creator.

      The story of your life has already been written. It is written by our God. Every moment of your life is written with such love that cannot be put into words. This love can only be felt with your heart by plunging into it with all your soul, feeling it with your whole body and merging your spirit with it. And you may have all of it, right now. You decide how to live your own life.

      I believe, when you read this book, these stories will touch your heart.

      You may have thoughts that all of this is just a fairy tale and there is no such thing in real life. And if it happens, the person finds the way out of difficult situations.

      Listen to me: remember your carefree childhood, those sweet times playing with toys. Those times, when you could be the king, the queen, the director, the Superman in your games. You have always been the winner, almighty.

      Actually, you have never played as the slave or the thief, or just some lazy man. You have never wanted to be poor, some killer or prisoner, sitting in a prison, even in your thoughts.

      Have you ever asked yourself about the reason of such thoughts? I suppose that you will ask yourself after reading this book.

      Your life is not only in the hands of the Creator – it is in your hands too.

      I know that there is a desire to live differently in your heart.

      Moreover, I know that you have thousands of reasons why your life cannot be different.

      But I know our Creator who is able to change everything around you and inside you. And He is not only able to do this – He has a strong desire to do it, He is waiting for this opportunity. Do you ask why? The answer is very simple – God loves you very much.

Lyudmila Kryanina

      Chapter 1

      Story of my life

      Well, it is about that time when my body is weak and I am not able to move so fast and my hands do not have the strength as before. The only thing that is still young and hot with a strong will to achieve new victories – is my heart.

      Every time I leave my room to get some cold day’s fresh air and take a look at young vigorous carefree generation, I have a desire to tell you about my life.

      My heart gets more and more filled up with this desire. And I am looking forward to coming across some great moment to relive these precious days of my life again.

      One evening a crowd of little and very curious kids run up to me, heaping upon me.

      One of those boys, a blond kid with an unusual name Shimey, sat on my laps, hugged me, put his head on my chest and then asked me:

      «Grandpa, you’re old and you, probably, know a lot of interesting stories. Tell us them.»

      And all the kids in the crowd started shouting:” Tell us, tell us».

      The inner voice said to me:” This is it, the moment when you can tell the story of your life».

      But my mind immediately started contradicting this voice; thoughts started running around in my head:” Who cares about a story of your life? Anyway, what is there interesting about it?»

      But the quiet inner voice persistently repeated:” You should do it, you may not have another opportunity in the future. And then I decided that I would tell it. As soon as I made up my mind, my heart felt lightness and happiness, a big smile appeared on my face.

      I hugged all the kids and said:

      «Oh well, my little friends, make yourself comfortable, we are about to start this fascinating journey.»

      Sitting on his father’s lap

      Long time ago, when I was not living here, I lived in the most beautiful place. And I happily sat on my beloved Father’s lap, just like you right now, and listened to interesting stories about his children, who were my brothers and sisters.

      But one day my Daddy told me: «Today I am going to tell you your own story. I was very surprised and excited because I didn’t even know that I had an interesting story too.»

      Sitting on my Father’s lap and feeling warmness and protection in His hands, listening to his heartbeat and showering with His love, I was thinking: «What could Father tell about me?»

      Father held me very tightly and gently to his chest, kissed me and started talking to me:

      «My dear son, finally it’s about time to tell you what I wrote about you in the book of Life a long time ago, before all living and non-living was created on our Earth. Yes, I love you very much, but your story will be very unusual and will not be alike any of the stories you have heard before.»

      When I tell it to you, every word will be written in your heart. And it doesn’t matter what may happen to your life, your story is the best, you can trust me.

      Our time together, here and now, in this beautiful place, is coming to an end, and you will need to move to another place and settle it, to live your life and then tell others about it.

      I’ve found the best dad and mother for you. You will have the best sisters and brothers.

      You’ll have the best name – Javis.

      Your story begins from the moment when I begin to create your unusual body in an unusual place.

      I have gathered a feast for this moment. And the heavens will rejoice from the beginning of creation to the full completion.

      It won’t be as fast as you think. Forty weeks, day after day, I will be creating your beautiful body. I will lead the whole process of your perfection. You will always feel my presence.

      I can see the question in your eyes: where will this happen?

      It will be inside your mother, and no one knows how I will create you all these forty weeks. You’ll only be seen when it’s time for you to move from a special place inside your mother to another place.

      And I can see the question in your eyes again: what is it – another place?


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