Story of my life. Lyudmila Kryanina

Story of my life - Lyudmila Kryanina

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parents live on planet Earth too. And everything you see there is also My creation.

      But once upon a time, one of my beautiful creations became prideful, because I created it perfectly beautiful, very smart and powerful. I had to punish him. That is why he began to seduce all My creations, lead them into sin and do the opposite to My views of the world. His name is Lucifer.

      Your father and mother, as well as brothers and sisters, are also attacked by him. I know, that you will be attacked by Lucifer too.

      But I will always help you, protect you, and give you the wisdom to confront him.

      Filled with compassion and love

      When you’re in your mother’s womb, Lucifer will try to hurt her. But He won’t be able to hurt you because I am your Protector.

      He will be hurting her through various parts of her body for forty weeks. And He will be sending her thoughts, that the main reason of her pain is you.

      But you already know that it is not your fault, and it should not upset you.

      Mother will start cursing you for Lucifer’s influence and his will.

      But I will close your ears so that you cannot hear the words of damnation, because I love you and I will protect you.

      Then your father and his lips will also be demonised by Lucifer. Your dad will hate you, instead of saying the words of love.

      You should always know – I love you! Remember – I will always love you and show you my love. I embrace you and kiss you – it will always be this way.

      Oh I see how your heart is overflowing with compassion and love for your parents, brothers and sisters. You’re a wonderful son! And everybody loves you!

      Let us continue the history of your life. The heavens are cheering, rejoicing and looking forward to your occurrence on Earth all these 47 weeks. Despite all the pain, your parents are looking forward to your birth! And here you come – my best, beautiful, precious and beloved son! A Great shout of joy will come throughout the universe that I have created!

      The Heavens rejoice in the girls

      As I was telling this story, I was looking at the children who were surrounding me. And I noticed that cute smiles appeared on their faces. Blond Shimey, who sitting comfortably on my laps, recalled his family’s happiness when his Daniel’s brother was born.

      A dark blond thin little boy Gera has recently become a brother of twin sisters Leah and Esther. He remembered the joyful moments associated with their birth. Lots of relatives brought presents for his sisters and he got a few too. But then, moody girl Sara moved through a boys’ crowd and asked very seriously: «Do the heavens feel happy too, when the girls born? Are there any stories for the girls?»

      Sara was a little older than all the children, and her family was very poor. Her face mirrored an immense heart hurt and her little children’s palms were covered with adult corns.

      My heart was full of love and tenderness for this girl. I outstretched my hands to her and started talking: «My beautiful, precious daughter Sarochka. Come here, sit next to Shimey». She has a modest smile on her face. She settled comfortably on my lap, and I how Divine Love began to fill her skinny baby body through me.

      «My dear little friends, I want to tell you, the One, who created you, both boys and girls, loves you very much. And He has no difference, who you are exactly, Him you are all very valuable, very precious for Him.

      Heavens always rejoice when boys and girls are born.

      I took a look at Sara and didn’t recognize her – she was glowing with happiness! Both the smile and the eyes showed that she was filled up with Heavenly Father’s love. Then I looked at the other kids and realized that today was enough of necessary useful information for my little friends.

      «Oh, it is so great, so I am loved, I am expected by dad and mother and my life story is written too!» Maria, a little girl with beautiful wavy hair, screamed enthusiastically. She was so overwhelmed with joy that her face was literally bursting into a wide smile, and it was possible to see all her white teeth.

      It was getting dark outside, and my little friends had to run home.

      I said goodbye to each one of them with words of love. My heart overflowed with the joy of being able to tell a little story of my life. The words of gratitude to Heavenly Father overfilled my heart. It’s like I have relived this part of my life again.

      I remembered how I was overflowing with the Father’s love sitting on His laps.

      And I realized that the story of my life wasn’t over yet, it was just the beginning.

      Once again, giving thanks to My Heavenly Father, I fell asleep, hoping that the day, when I could continue my story, would come…

      Chapter 2

      The Fire inside

      Autumn has come, cold northern wind forced slipping into warm clothes. People were less and less going outside their homes, and it was much better for me to stay at home, watching the curly tongues of fire in the fireplace too.

      Then, one day, when I was at home, watching the fire burning, shining a warming everyone, Sara knocked on the door, that girl with the underhand corns on her palms.

      She used to visit us and have some tea with dried figs sometimes. That day, she had some free time, when she could play with her peers and drink tea with us.

      That time she asked timidly: «Grandfather, is there a continuation of the story that you told us in the summer?»

      At that moment, I got the same feeling again. The voices in my had continued repeating me: «It’s your time, just tell this». I smiled and answered: «Sure, what do you want to hear?»

      Sara was very happy, but for some reason she hurried to leave. I was confused. Apparently, Sara saw the bewilderment on my face, and started talking very quickly: «Grandpa, I’ll be right back in a moment, I just have to bring my brother Jacob and sister Elizabeth here.» After a short pause, she said to me: «There was so much love in my heart after our conversation last summer, that I told your story so many times. Everyone noticed that I became another person. Our mother is sick and she is not able to work. Despite the fact, that our father works hard to make ends meet, our family is large, there are six children in it. That is why my elder brother, sister and me support our parents. I believe, they should hear your story too.

      Than Sara vanished.

      I asked my Heavenly Father – how my story could help Sara’s brother and sister? My Father filled my heart with His love without a word, and I stopped asking questions – everything inside me became clear and understandable. Everything within me became clear and understandable.

      It was time for lunch. Sara returned, while we were setting the table. A very handsome young man followed her. His clothes were not entirely new, and it was worn a little, that one could see his tanned young, but muscular body. The young man was very shy of his appearance and was a bit laconic.

      He was followed by a girl a little older than Sara. Her eyes were sad and expressed a little joy in her life.

      Finally, the table was set up for our guests. They all were confused by an invitation to have dinner with us. Their faces clearly showed us, that the invitation was a surprise to them. They looked at the table and our smiling faces, and, finally, their embarrassment and doubt passed away.

      Our dinner was finished and I took my favorite place by the blazing fireplace. Sara, Jacob and Elizabeth sat down on the soft carpet beside me. I asked Sara if she could remember the end of our story. She was so excited by telling our story, as if it was yesterday.


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