Shakespeare Jest-Books. Various

Shakespeare Jest-Books - Various

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Of the Woman that sayd her woer came to late. ix. 22Of the Mylner with the golden thombe. x. 23Of the horseman of Irelande that prayde Oconer for to hange up the frere. xi. ib.Of the preest that sayd nother Corpus meus nor Corpum meum. xii. 26Of the two freres whereof the one loued nat the ele heed nor the other the tayle. xiii. 27Of the welche man that shroue hym for brekynge of hys faste on the fryday. xiv. 28Of the merchaunte of London that dyd put nobles in his mouthe in hys dethe bedde. xv. 30Of the mylner that stale the nuttes of the tayler that stale a shepe. xvi. 31Of the foure elementes where they should sone be founde. xvii. 36Of the woman that poured the potage in the iudges male. xviii. 37Of the wedded men that came to heuen to clayme theyr herytage. xix. 39Of the merchaunte that charged his sonne to fynde one to synge for hys soule. xx. 40Of the mayde wasshynge clothes that answered the frere. xxi. 42Of the thre wyse men of Gotam. xxii. ib.Of the graye frere that answered his penytente. xxiii. 43Of the gentylman that bare the sege borde on hys necke. xxiv. 44Of the merchantes wyfe that sayd she wolde take a nap at a sermon. xxv. 47 ¶ Of the woman that said and she lyued another yere she wolde haue a cockoldes hatte of her owne. xxvi. 48 ¶ Of the gentylman that wysshed his tothe in the gentylwomans tayle. xxvii. ib. ¶ Of the Welcheman that confessyd hym howe he had slayne a frere. xxviii. 49 ¶ Of the Welcheman that coude nat gette but a lytell male. xxix. 50 ¶ Of the gentyll woman that sayde to a gentyll man ye haue a berde aboue and none benethe. xxx. 51 ¶ Of the frere that sayde our Lorde fed fyue M. people with iii fysshys. xxxi. 52 ¶ Of the frankelyn that wold haue had the frere gone. xxxii. 53 ¶ Of the prest that sayd Our Lady was not so curyous a woman. xxxiii. 54 ¶ Of the good man that sayde to his wyfe he had euyll fare. xxxiv. 55 ¶ Of the frere that bad his childe make a laten. xxxv. ib. ¶ Of the gentylman that asked the frere for his beuer. xxxvi. 56 ¶ Of the thre men that chose the woman. xxxvii. ib. ¶ Of the gentylman that taught his cooke the medycyne for the tothake. xxxviii. 58 ¶ Of the gentylman that promysed the scoler of Oxford a sarcenet typet. xxxix. 60 ¶ Of mayster Skelton that broughte the bysshop of Norwiche ii fesauntys. xl. 62 ¶ Of the yeman of garde that sayd he wolde bete the carter. xli. 65 ¶ Of the fole that saide he had leuer go to hell than to heuen. xlii. 66 ¶ Of
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