Paris under the Commune. John Leighton
INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER—The 30th October, 1870—The Hôtel de Ville invaded—Governor Trochu resigns—A Revolt attempted—Meetings, Place de la Bastille—The Prussians enter Paris—Hostility of the National Guard
I. The Memorable 18th of March—Line and Nationals
Fraternise—Discipline at a Discount
II. Assassination of Generals Lecomte and Clément Thomas
III. Proclamation of M. Picard—The Government retires to Versailles
IV. The New Regime Proclaimed—Obscurity of New Masters
V. Paris Hesitates—Small Sympathy with Versailles
VI. The Buttes Montmartre
VII. An Issue Possible—An Approved Proclamation
VIII. Demonstration of the Friends of Order
IX. The Drama of the Rue de la Paix—Victims to Order
X. A Wedding
XI. The Bourse and Belleville
XII. Watching and Waiting
XIII. A Timid but Prudent Person
XIV Some Federal Opinions
XV. Proclamation of Admiral Saisset—Paris Satisfied.
XVI. A Widow
XVII. The Central Committee Triumphs
XVIII. Paris Elections
XIX. The Commune a Fact—A Motley Assembly
XX. Proclamation of the Elections
XXI. A Batch of Official Decrees—Landlord, and Tenant
XXII. Requisitions and Feasts
XXIII. Removals and Retirements
XXIV. A General Flight
XXV. An Envoy to Garibaldi
XXVI. Commencement of Civil War—Beyond the Arc de Triomphe
XXVII. Mont Valérien opens on the Federals—Contradictory News
XXVIII. Death of General Duval—Able Administration
XXIX. Antipathy to the Church—The Archbishop Interrogated
XXX. The Accomplices of Versailles
XXXI. Death of Colonel Flourens
XXXII. The Cross and the Red Flag
XXXIII. Colonel Assy of Creuzot—Disgrace of Lullier