Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. Jakob J. van Zyl

Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - Jakob J. van Zyl

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3.12 Basis for the color characteristics of emerald and ruby.Figure 3.13 Spectra of minerals that contain ferrous ions in different cryst...Figure 3.14 Configurations of energy bands for different types of solid mate...Figure 3.15 Visible and infrared bidirectional reflection spectra of particu...Figure 3.16 Use of Fraunhofer lines to detect luminescent material from thei...Figure 3.17 Spectral signature diagram of a variety of geologic materials....Figure 3.18 High‐resolution laboratory spectra of common minerals typically ...Figure 3.19 Spectral reflectance of a variety of biological materials. (a) R...Figure 3.20 Progressive changes in the spectral response of a sycamore leaf ...Figure 3.21 Variations in spectral reflectance as functions of amounts of gr...Figure 3.22 Reflectance spectra for a healthy beech leaf (1) and beech leave...Figure 3.23 Blue shift in the spectrum of conifers induced by a sulfide zone...Figure 3.24 Bidirectional leaf reflectance spectra of laboratory‐grown shore...Figure 3.25 Vegetation effects of green grass cover on spectral reflectance ...Figure 3.26 (a) Representation of the effect of increasing sample thickness ...Figure 3.27 Sketch of major elements of an imaging sensor. The elements are ...Figure 3.28 Multispectral wave dispersion techniques. (a) Beamsplitter used ...Figure 3.29 Diffraction pattern of a circular aperture with uniform illumina...Figure 3.30 These graphs show cuts through the composite diffraction pattern...Figure 3.31 Diffraction patterns of a square aperture with uniform illuminat...Figure 3.32 Imaging geometry showing the instantaneous field of view of a si...Figure 3.33 Comparison of the D* of various infrared detectors when oper...Figure 3.34 Charge coupled devices (CCD) linear array photograph (a) and ske...Figure 3.35 Fabrication process of modern detector arrays.Figure 3.36 Different types of imaging sensor implementations.Figure 3.37 Conceptual sketch of an imaging spectrometer. A narrow strip AB ...Figure 3.38 One possible design for the optical system of the imaging spectr...Figure 3.39 Landsat‐D mapping geometry.Figure 3.40 Thematic mapper optical system.Figure 3.41 The picture shown here was taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera narr...Figure 3.42 Data from the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity's panoramic cam...Figure 3.43 Images of Saturn acquired with Cassini camera.Figure 3.44 Cassini imaging system. (a) Top, narrow angle and (b) bottom, wi...Figure 3.45 Image of Jupiter acquired with the Juno camera.Figure 3.46 Image of Jupiter acquired with the Juno camera.Figure 3.47 Chandrayaan imaging spectrometer.Figure 3.48 Sketch illustrating the principle of a scanning laser altimeter....Figure 3.49 Interaction of γ‐rays with matter.Figure 3.50 Individual spectral channel images for the nine visible and near...Figure 3.51 Two color combination displays for the Cuprite scene shown in Fi...Figure 3.52 The same images shown in Figure 3.51 after performing a color st...Figure 3.53 Principal component images for the 9 visible and near‐infrared c...Figure 3.54 The principal components PC2, PC3, and PC4 are displayed as blue...Figure 3.55 Spectra of some minerals commonly associated with hydrothermal a...Figure 3.56 Spectral ratio image of the Cuprite scene. The ratios are 4/7 (r...Figure 3.57 Results of an unsupervised classification of the Cuprite scene. ...Figure 3.58 Results of a supervised classification of the Cuprite scene. The...Figure 3.59 This image shows the relative abundances of different materials ...Figure 3.60 (a) Io's spectral reflectance showing the step drop near 0.45 μ...Figure 3.61 This graph shows a spectrum, taken by the Mars Exploration Rover...Figure 3.62 Geometry for Exercise 3.1.Figure 3.63 Energy levels of three different materials.Figure 3.64 Energy levels and allowable transitions for a hypothetical mater...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Spectral emissivity ∈ and spectral radiant emittance S(λ, T)...Figure 4.2 Reflected (continuous line) and emitted (dashed line) energy spec...Figure 4.3 Geometry for derivation of heat equation.Figure 4.4 Behavior of the temperature wave as a function of depth.Figure 4.5 Diurnal temperature curves for varying (a) thermal inertia in cal...Figure 4.6 Plots of diurnal surface temperature versus local time for two di...Figure 4.7 Night (a) and day (b) thermal images of Death Valley. Thermal ine...Figure 4.8 Visible (left) and thermal infrared (right) images showing the ef...Figure 4.9 (a) Dispersion of quartz. (b) Transmission through a 12.8 μm thic...Figure 4.10 Infrared transmission spectra for some common silicates. Regions...Figure 4.11 Transmission spectra of minerals of different composition and st...Figure 4.12 Diagram illustrating the location of features and the type of vi...Figure 4.13 HCMR optical block diagram.Figure 4.14 Thermal infrared image over northern Death Valley acquired by TI...Figure 4.15 Visible (upper left) and thermal infrared images of Cuprite, Nev...Figure 4.16 Visible (upper left) and principal component images of the therm...Figure 4.17 Sharpened color thermal infrared principal component image of th...Figure 4.18 Day and night thermal infrared images of crater ejecta in the Te...Figure 4.19 False‐color THEMIS infrared image of the Ophir and Candor Chasma...Figure 4.20 Mean sea surface temperature for the period 1987–1999. The top p...Figure 4.21 Weekly averages of the sea surface temperature for a portion of ...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The total energy radiated from the surface consists of the energy...Figure 5.2 (a) Observed radiometric temperature of a half‐space with dielect...Figure 5.3 Geometry of wave scattering from a rough surface.Figure 5.4 Microwave images of the north polar region. The main image corres...Figure 5.5 Microwave images of the south polar region. The main image corres...Figure 5.6 Soil moisture distribution measured with the ESTAR radiometer as ...Figure 5.7 (a) Relative dielectric constants of sandy and high‐clay soils as...Figure 5.8 An antenna with the pattern shown in (a) will measure a temperatu...Figure 5.9 Geometric configurations for a conically scanned imaging radiomet...Figure 5.10 Ideal single‐baseline interferometer showing the signal arriving...Figure 5.11 Real part of a theoretical visibility function for a single‐base...Figure 5.12 The ESTAR antenna spacings.Figure 5.13 Theoretical antenna patterns synthesized in different pointing d...Figure 5.14 Theoretical pattern synthesized by a Y‐shaped antenna configurat...Figure 5.15 Example of a radiometer block diagram.Figure 5.16 SMMR instrument in its handling fixture.Figure 5.17 SMMR instrument functional block diagram.Figure 5.18 Monthly mean sea ice concentration for the northern hemisphere

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