An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. John of Damascus

An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith - John of Damascus

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the living wisdom and power14, the Word possessing interior subsistence15, the essential and perfect and living image16 of the unseen God. But always He was with the Father and in Him17, everlastingly and without beginning begotten of Him. For there never was a time when the Father was and the Son was not, but always the Father and always the Son, Who was begotten of Him, existed together. For He could not have received the name Father apart from the Son: for if He were without the Son18, He could not be the Father: and if He thereafter had the Son, thereafter He became the Father, not having been the Father prior to this, and He was changed from that which was not the Father and became the Father. This is the worst form of blasphemy19. For we may not speak of God as destitute of natural generative power: and generative power means, the power of producing from one’s self, that is to say, from one’s own proper essence, that which is like in nature to one’s self20.